Ch 8. Nightmares

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That day, he lost his voice. He still to this day couldn't gather himself to forget it. It got to him, most nights it would come back like present. Like it was all over again

And now, he could just remember the shoutings, the screams filling his ears into an endless sense until he had wished the thing he lost was his hearing

He still remembered the footsteps that wouldn't leave his mind, along with the thoughts of what had happened the day before.

He wanted to forget, forget everything

But the muffled sound leaving his lips as the sweat had build up under his locks on his skin, as he slept on his mattress couldn't make him do that. the memory invading his dreams

The other's had crashed in Jimins side of the door, the quietness filling the air as the strangled sounds leaving Taehyungs lips in his sleep was the only thing being heard between the walls of his small room.

A loud sob left his lips before his body woke up forward, his body's breath rising as he had opened his eyes from the nightmare

Another small sob left his lips as he slowly buried his strangled face in his hands, breath only fastening against his aching chest. So much, he hadn't realized his room door had opened.

And that Jungkook was the one that had opened it, standing by the doorway after he had heard the startled sound leaving the blonde's room. Seeing the other seated in his bed, head buried in his hands as the only thing that could be heard in the silence was his drastic breathing.

The dark haired slowly started walking over to him, and Taehyung could hear his footsteps, and he could feel the way the edge of his mattress had sunken down against the other's weight when he had sat down.

He didn't want to look up. Not knowing what to do as his breathing only had fastened.

But when he felt the warm touch of the other's warm hands slowly covering his ears, he almost froze to the bed. It made him almost know who it was before his eyes had looked up and met the other's dark one's

"It's just a nightmare"

Jungkook told, his low voice almost hard to hear from the hands covering the blondes ears. But the feeling of his fingers, reminding him of then had only made tears run down his cheeks.

But he could feel his breathing calm down, like it always did then when he could feel those hands covering him. From everything. He slowly looked down again after his gaze had stayed on the other, Wanting to say something, anything.

He really wanted to say something

Jungkook had pulled away his tattooed hands after the other had calmed down, Digging them into the pockets of his sweatpants when he went up from the bed. Turning to leave.

"Go back to sleep"


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