Ch 3. Burden?

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"See you tomorrow Taehyung"

Jimin waved to the boy before he once again disappeared into the crowd, running of somewhere as Taehyung had waved back. his first day here was already over and now, he had to go home to pack his things.

Go home.

Even if he was already leaving, to live in the dorms of the school he still didn't have the feeling to let his steps move into that house.

He didn't want to be in the place where he didn't feel like his own voice had ever been welcomed, even back then when the shouting and voices from them was still ringing in his ears.

And even back then he would run out, leave the second his parents had started again as his own small legs of his young body had dragged him to the place he would go to everyday.

The place he knew he would find the person that made that smile on his small face.

Taehyung stumbled into their tree house, the cramped space covering his body as he let his weight fall on the ground. Hands circling round his body as he found himself alone there.

Jungkook wasn't here today

A small sigh left his lips as he let his short arms wrap around his legs, tucking them into each other as he could only wait.

Wait until it would be night.

"Tae? I didn't know you would come here to pl-"

Jungkooks words had stopped once he saw the other when he had walked inside, his sulked eyes looking up at the dark haired as a smile had came across his face when he had walked into the tree house.

Not expecting the older to be here now.

"I don't like this, You're not staying in that house anymore"

Jungkook told out, his tone as serious as his frown as he had slowly crouched down before the other. Who's eyes had widened upon the words before he shook his head drastically.

"No! I can't leave, they are only having an argument as usual, it's nothing Jungkookie"

The small blonde immediately had told, Jungkooks own sunken eyes stuck at the other trying to search for something in them.

He didn't want him to ever falter that smile.


Jungkook muttered out, even if he knew he wouldn't let this slide another time. His eyes slowly looked up at the relieved boy, before his own small hands slowly came up. his palms reaching to let them softly cover Taehyungs warm ears.

Holding them there.

"If I do this, I will make sure you won't hear them anymore Tae"

Taehyung opened the door slowly to his house, the creaking from the door filling the silent air as he stepped inside, kicking his shoes aside as he didn't mind closing the door.

Not when he only was here to take his things.

He had went up the stairs, finding the door to his room opened as usual, he was sure his parents had been in there again.

A breath left his lips when he found his case filled with his needed things, laying over the covers of his bed.

The blonde didn't feel like wasting another second before taking it, holding it between his fingers before he had rushed down the stairs again.

His eyes resting on the front door.

"You will only cause trouble in the dorms you know"

His mother's voice filled the air once he had bent down to take on his shoes, her sweet voice lingered in his ears as he only ignored it.

Taking on his shoes before tying them, his eyes focused on it.

"You still won't speak huh? Ever since that day, you never spoke again dear. Maybe it's time to stop don't you think?"


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