At My Worst

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Immediately I dropped my backpack, I shove the shopping bag in my hand and went out. My room all of a sudden scent like Trevor. Strangely how two clothes of his changed the entire place.

I jogged down the street to get a taxi, preferably to Silicon estate.


Getting home to my personal space is what I always wish for at the end of the day. Bringing out my notes to read,I saw a text from my Dad.

Meet me in my room when you're back from school.

I throw my phone on the bed before going downstairs.
"Come in". I heard after multiple knocks on his door.
"Here I am,Dad. I saw your text". I closed the door behind me,walking towards his office in his room.
"Trevor...yes,I called you because I want you to deliver something for me". He brought out a gift bag packed in a yellow bag from his drawer.
I nod slowly. "Okay Sir".
"Take this to peeton street by 9:00pm. The owner is meet you there".

I went closer to collect the bag,clinching my jaw in disgust.
"Thanks Trevor". He ended,picking up a pen to sign the bunch of papers on his desk.
I took a few steps before turning back,holding the door handle. "When do I stop helping you run errands?, I hate it so much". I boldly asked,my face getting red from frowning.

My Dad slowly dropped the pen and removed his glasses. " long as you live in this house,you'll do exactly as I tell you. Besides,look around here, I offered you all this and I can't get a little help from you?". He asked,looking straight at me.
My confidence dropped as I just nod and went out.

I jumped on my bed,burying my face in my duvet as I try to calm myself. I'd literally live on the moon if possible.


The taxi stopped in front of Trevor's Villa. I can't believe I'm about to enter heaven again. I dialed Evan's number to help me get in without been interrogated by this huge looking bouncers around.

"Korah". Evan eyes widen as he saw me waiting. He ran over to meet me.

"Yeah..I came to return this to Trevor". I gesture to the bag in my hand. "My clothes got stained so he gave me these for a change".

"Oh..Alright, come on in". Evan looks so happy to see me as he didn't stop smiling.
We went up the stairs and I could see the building clearly as the sun found its way through most places in the house.

"Over there". Evan pointed to Trevor's room. "I'll wait for you downstairs". He ended,racing down.

I look around, admiring how well luxurious the house looks before going to knock. You can see the beautiful view of the beach just by standing in the balcony.

I knocked times without numbers without any answer then noticed the door isn't locked the whole time. Pressing the handle down slowly,I went in nervously.

The bag I was holding,fell down unknowingly to what I saw. Trevor's room's not only a mess but he himself looks rugged. He turn to the sound of the bag,noticing my presence.

My hand began to shake as he came close to me. I peep over to see something like looks like..


My eyes widen at the sight of powdered stuffs littered around his room. I slowly move backwards with fear as he came close to me. Blood dripping from his left hand and nose.

"What are you doing here?". Trevor ask, standing one feet away as he wipes his bleeding nose with his left hand which is also gushing out blood. He is shirtless and I saw a tattoo at his back.

He hurt himself.

My heartbeat increased drastically. I feel I could collapse at any point.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!". He snap,looking at me with anger.
"I..I came to return...this". I shake as my words break.

He looked down at the bag then up to me. "Leave". He mutter,grabbing the bag from the ground.

I want to run out but my feet froze to the ground as my eyes scan round how scattered his room is.
Trevor rested his hands on his table with his head down. "I said leave!". He turn back to me sharply,throwing anything he sees.

"Ughh". I cried,looking at my palm. One of his all glass perfumes flew and landed on the ground, shattering with pieces and pierced into my palm.
He glance at me,breathing heavily.

Finally,my feet adapted with me to leave after been injured.

I ran out of his room and out of the house at once,not caring if I'll get stopped or not. Trevor looked like a monster. A monster I can't look at right now.

Evan tried to stop me but failed as I stopped a taxi right in front of the gate. I stare at my palm which is bleeding continually. Taking a risk to take out the glass pieces, I goan in pains then tied It with a bandana I kept in my pocket.

I just couldn't think straight at the moment. It feel like I met a total different person but my eyes can't deceive me,It was real.

What is Trevor exactly...

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