- Chapter 83 -

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10:27 am
Narrator's P.O.V
After Jungkook's surprise for Yn was a total success, the two decided to go out and celebrate the next morning, at a small yet very popular Italian restaurant for locals, Jungkook has been there before with his brothers numerous times but he's never gone there with Yn and he's positive that she's going to love it there!

- On the way there -

While being dropped off by Seokjin and Yoongi, the two talk on their way to the restaurant and once they finally arrived, they talked them and hopped out of the car, and walked into the restaurant.

But on their way inside, Yn noticed that some people were walking out and she overheard them muttering something about reservations and stupid high prices for food.. now that made her worry.

If these TWO adults were complaining about reservations and high prices then...  there's no way that she and Jungkook can get in and eat a proper meal, right?

She was quickly proven wrong when they walked inside and saw 2 lines, one for the locals and another one for the VIP'S, huh, maybe that's why that couple was complaining, because they didn't want to pay for the VIP service?

As they walked further down, Yn saw that everyone in restaurant was dressed super.. fancy, including the locals, and she and Jungkook were.. not dressed so fancy like.

This started to make her feel uncomfortable but she didn't want Jungkook to know that so she put on a smiling face and continued walking with Jungkook to the other line.

After paying and being seated, Jungkook helped Yn onto her chair because as he puts it: That's what good boyfriends are suppose to do.

And in return, he got a kiss on the cheek by his Ynie that made him blush as he sat down in his own seat, and soon enough, the couple were talking about the restaurant;

"So, what do you think baby?"

"It's really nice."

Yn said quickly as she looked around before looking at Jungkook again and he smiled;

"I'm glad you like it, I actually wanted to bring you here before my "surprise" but I just couldn't wait any longer."

He admitted shyly and as she held his hand in hers, she gently kissed it and smiled when he turned into a blushing mess;

"I really missed this."

Yn also admits rather shyly and Jungkook teasingly says;

"You missed getting free food?"

"No! I actually missed spending time with you, silly."

She says softly and Jungkook nods and starts blushing again but before Yn could tease him back, the waitress comes over to them and hands them their menus, while asking them what they would like to drink.

Yn's P.O.V
As we were looking at the menus, I couldn't help but notice that the waitress was a little.. too close to Jungkook as she was recommending what he should get.

Am I invisible or something?

Also why is she telling him what to order? if anything, she should be telling me what to order since I'm new here! Jungkook isn't new--

"And... what would you like?"

I noticed the annoyed undertone in her voice when she asked me that, funny how she was talking so sweetly just a moment ago, and as I look up at her I can see that she's glaring down at me and I glare right back at her and tell her;

"I'll have what my boyfriend is having."

I practically toss my menu at her as she bows and leaves our table, still glaring at me, and when I turn to look at Jungkook, he has a serious expression on his face as he says;

"That wasn't very nice Yn."


I asked innocently, although I knew what he chewing me out for being rude but come on, I have every right to act the way that I did!

As I look down at the table, I can hear Jungkook sigh and I look up to meet his gaze, he looks like he has something to say but is too nervous to say it so instead, I softly say;

"Okay.. okay.. I'll apologize to that waitress-"

"A REAL apology?"

"Yes... a real apology."

"Good. I don't want my baby fighting with anyone.. I want our date to be special."

He shyly says while reaching forward and holding my hand in his and I nod as.. this was the first time in a long time that we've actually been on a proper date in months, and after everything I put Jungkook through, I was going to make sure that it would stay as a perfect proper date.

All I had to do was apologize to that waitress and then everything will be okay, right?


Narrator's P.O.V
As the waitress comes by to Jungkook and Yn's table with the drinks, she stands a bit closer to Jungkook and softly coos;

"And here are your drinks."

"Thank you."

Jungkook says nicely as he tries to get his drink but is stopped by the waitress as she asks;

"Would you like a straw?"

"Oh yes please, and one for my girlfriend too."

Jungkook says as he notices that Yn is looking around with a cold gleam in her eyes, this made the waitress give Yn a side glance before smiling and softly saying;

"Of course, I'll be right back."

While the waitress was gone, Jungkook frowned as Yn didn't apologize like she said that she was going too;

"Ynie! You told me that you were going to apologize to her-"

"Well I'm sorry Mr. Jeon Jungkook, I sure WOULD have liked to apologized.. had she given me the time of day. But nooo, instead I had to watch her practically throw herself at you. I mean did you not see the way that she was looking at you?"

Jungkook was shocked by Yn's sudden outburst but instead of saying anything, he just start laughing and no he wasn't laughing about Yn's little outburst, he was laughing at the fact that his overprotective, supportive, beautiful, strong, kind, funny, amazing, and talented girlfriend...

was jealous.

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