Twenty Two

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"So this is where you're staying? It's beautiful!"

I'm in awe at the view from his bedroom window. The house was on a slight hill, and because his room was on the first floor, you pretty much looked down across every city light. Everything looked so peacefully at this hour, you'd never be able to tell you were in LA if you didn't know but I guess in the dark, anyone can get a little lost. I looked up at him.

"It's alright, I guess" he looked down at me, smiling, "it's better now"

I smiled, his hand coming up to stroke my cheek. I let my eyes close and lean into his touch, I just couldn't help myself, he put his hand on my neck and pulled me close to him, wrapping his other arm around my shoulders. I didn't hesitate to snake my arms around his waist, squeezing him tightly, he did the same, kissing the top of my head.

"I missed you" I mumble into his chest, taking in his scent that brought back so many memories.

"I love you" he whispered, causing me to snap my head up at him.

I pull back quickly, "no, you can't do that. You can't say that after ignoring me for nearly two months!" I step away from him

"Dylan, I'm sorry" he pleaded

"No, it's not fair. I came here as a friend, a favour to Calum. Why didn't you call, text, anything? You didn't do anything. You didn't reply, I text you and you didn't reply. What the fuck is your problem?"

He stepped forward quickly, catching me off guard, placing his warm hands against my cheeks and kissing me. I stood frozen in shock for a second before kissing back, I let my hands move to his hips pulling him closer, our lips moving together frantically.

I pushed myself up onto my tip toes, parting my lips and let his tongue slide into my mouth. He moves his arms down and around my waist, holding me up as mine come up to his neck. I pull back a little, both of us panting.

"I'm sorry" he said again, his eyes staring into my own

"You didn't even say goodbye" I breathe out, closing my eyes and lowering my head

"It was too hard" he moved his head back, placing his hand under my chin and lifting my face to look at him, "all I wanted was for you to stay, all I wanted to say was that I loved you, I couldn't text that, it wasn't something I could say over the phone" he let out a sigh, "when you didn't text... I thought that was it, and I tried to forget about the last day we had, I thought I was just blowing things out of proportion, that I'd imagined it but then you text me and..." He dropped his head, shaking it slightly, "what took you so long?"

"I'm really good at procrastination" I giggle, "and I didn't really want to unpack because then it'd be over. So kind of the opposite to you. But why didn't you reply when I text?"

"Because all I wanted to say was I love you, and I didn't know what else to say. I couldn't think of anything to say"

"Well, you don't have to text me now" I smile

"I love you" he says, smiling back

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you" I laugh, putting my ear closer to him, "wanna try that again?"

"Is this like the penis thing?" I shrug, "I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" he yells making me laugh again as I pull him in for a kiss.

There's nothing slow about it, my arms wrap around his neck, bringing him closer, our tongues rubbing against each other, his arms around me pulling me up onto my toes again. I run my fingers through his hair, pulling on is slightly, making him sigh against my lips. I move him back towards the bed, pushing him down and crawling over him so I'm straddling his hips.

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