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"I don't want to go"

I mumbled quietly, not really sure who to, resting my head against the glass door that lead to the garden. Dee didn't hear me, she was too busy rushing around trying to collect all her things, making sure she didn't leave anything behind. I, on the other hand have had my bags packed for about three days. The perks of being organised. Just do it and forget about it.

The day before had been amazing. Luke and I had stayed in bed, watching whatever random films I had downloaded on my laptop, some old, some new. We ate things that didn't require cooking, snacking on crisps, cookies, and sandwiches. Toasties would require being out of bed too long.

We talked about anything and everything, just trying to get to know each other as much as possible. That was a hard task for one day but we sure gave it a go. I couldn't believe how much he made me smile. Made me forget. That afternoon was as if only Luke and I existed, and I was really okay with that.

Dee came home at about seven that night with Ash, Cal and Mikey, I didn't bother to ask were she'd been, she was alive and that's good enough for me. They found Luke and I asleep on the bed, after drifting off during Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around my shoulders, holding me close, luckily he had put his shirt back on sometime during the afternoon.

Of course, being the great friends that they are, they couldn't just leave us like that, oh no, all of them jumping on the bed, screaming at the top of their lungs for us to wake up, which we obviously did. They all smiled proudly, Dee exclaiming that they had come bearing gifts and rushing out of the room with the other three right behind her.

Me and Luke had looked at each other and groaned when we heard the words 'ice cream' and 'let's get pizza' knowing we would have to get out of bed. I shrugged quickly and smiled at him, asking if he was coming, he'd just said 'in a minute' so I left, going to the kitchen. I was greeted by wolf whistles and a chorus of 'oh yeah', I laughed sarcastically and flipped them off.

Luke joined us not five minutes later, he received the same greeting, what made me laugh was that his reaction had been exactly the same as mine.

We did end up ordering pizza, after much debate on what toppings to have. So we ended up with four pizzas, no big deal. The theme of movies for the night was horror, my choice, even though I shouldn't really watch them due to my nervous disposition but I get an adrenaline rush from being scared. It's actually kind of a turn on. Don't judge me! It was great though, I cuddled with Luke and used him as a human shield whenever it just got that little bit too much for me.

The goodnights weren't actually that bad, the guys said they would take us to the airport, so it didn't feel like a goodbye, apart from Mikey, he had told me that he had some online game thing he had to do so couldn't make it, so we said our goodbyes there and then. I was really going to miss Mikey.

"Dylan..." Dee called from inside her room, pulling me from my thoughts

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, and called back, "yeah?" Never taking my head from the glass. Just trying to steady myself, I suppose.

"Are you sure you're all packed?"


She didn't say anything after that, but I did hear a loud thud coming from her room.

The doorbell rang, one, two, three times. It made me smile. I had told the guys about how when I was younger, if it was my family, they would ring the doorbell three times to let me know it was safe to open the door, if I was ever alone at home or anything. If they don't ring three times then they're not one of us! I guess it just stuck and now the guys do it too.

"Oh, don't worry your highness, I'll open it!" Dee huffed as she left her room towards the door.

She was closer anyway.

"Sorry" I say, straightening up from the door, walking slowly to the middle of the room as Ashton and Calum walk in.

Ashton comes towards me and pulls me into a tight hug, "are you ready to go?" He says, pushing me away slightly so he can look at me.

"I don't really have a choice" I smile sadly, Ashton pulling me to him again, just holding me close

"Hey, you two, come on, it's time to go" Dee calls to us and I hear her and Calum arguing about her heavy suitcase as he helps her out to the car with her stuff

"Ash..." I whisper, my head on his shoulder, not wanting to leave just yet, which I think he understood

"Yeah?" He asked, looking down at me

"Where's Luke?"


I gave Dee a tight hug as we left her at the check in in her terminal, "take care of you. Message me when you get home?"

"Of course" she says smiling and reaching for her suitcase, Calum got to it first, picking it up.

Ash and I quickly glance at each other, smirks on both of our faces.

"I'll stay with you, make sure you find your gate alright" Calum said smiling, "you can pick me up after, right Ash?"

"Right" Ashton answers with a grin, picking up my suitcase for me

I give Calum a hug and kiss him on the cheek, "don't be a stranger, you dick" I chuckle, giving his arm playful punch

"Never" he smiles, giving my cheek a kiss in return

Ashton said goodbye to Dee, giving her a quick hug before taking my hand as we walked to my terminal

"You know, you never answered my question before" I say to Ash as we come up to the terminal, taking a seat on a bench. My check in didn't open for another twenty minutes so I had time to have a cigarette before my long flight

"What question was that?" He grins

I look down at my hands, twirling the cigarette box in my hands before putting it back in my bag, I suddenly don't feel the need to smoke anymore, "why didn't Luke come?" I ask, I lift my head but watch as people and families come in and out of the airport instead of looking at Ash.

He moves closer to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and I just can't take it, I turn and throw my arms around Ashton's neck, he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer, I sniff slightly, the tears stinging as they gather and then fall from my eyes, "shh... Please don't cry"

"I'm sorry" I pull away after composing myself a little and wipe away the tears

"You don't have to apologise" he says softly, pushing a strand of loose hair behind my ear, "to be honest I don't know why he didn't come. We were all set to go get him when he sent a message saying that something had come up and he couldn't make it"

I rest my forehead against his, "this reminds me of that morning he said he wasn't hungry"

"What?" He chuckles slightly, I had forgotten Ash was asleep when Calum and I had that conversation.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" I lift my head to look at Ashton in the eyes, "can I tell you something?"

"Of course"

"You're actually my sunshine" I smile and rest my hand on his face, stroking his cheek with my thumb

"Really?" He cocks his eyebrow at me

"Really, ever since I found out about you guys, like the band, I don't know, it was just something about you, you made me smile even then, and I just wanted you to know that" I pull him in for another hug, holding him tightly "I'm so glad I finally met you,"

"I'm glad I met you too" I can hear the smile in his voice

I take a deep breath before I say, "you know what's really getting to me the most?" Keeping Ashton in the hug

"What's that?" He rubs his hand up and down my back, comfortingly

"I didn't even get to say goodbye"

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