Twenty One

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~ Two Days Later ~

"Calum, what are you talking about?"

"Listen, Dylan, I'm a big Ed Sheeran fan, don't get me wrong but if I have to be here alone, listening to the same songs, over and over again, I will hurt someone!"

"Calum..." I shook my head, still not quite sure what he was talking about.

"I'm serious! I've heard X so much I could do a storyboard for every single song!"

"Just turn it off then, Cal, I'm so lost right now"

"Turn what off?" Now he sounded confused

"Wherever it's playing" I laugh

"Nothing's playing it, it's Luke! All he does is sing these depressing arse songs"

"I thought you guys were writing?" I ask

"We're having a break because Mikey and Ash are there with you"

"Okay, so what do you want me to do? You called for a reason, right? Since it's like eight in the fucking morning"

"You are going to get yourself on a plane and get your arse to LA, that's what I want you to do!"

"Calum, I can't do that"

"Well, you have no choice! Happy birthday, I got you a seat on the same flight as Mikey and Ash. I'll see you in a few days, love ya" and with that he hung up on me.

I sit up on my bed and stretch my back, I turn seeing Ashton isn't in his spot. I get up, feeling a little dizzy. Then my stomach grumbled. Yes, I was desperately hungry, Mikey had managed to drop my falafel wrap after we left the Ballroom, meaning I haven't eaten in almost 48 hours. I forgot yesterday.

I made my way to the kitchen, hearing giggling voices. I smile seeing Ashton and Charlie, talking quietly, looking cozy but with their heads in the fridge. I hope they know it's not good to keep a fridge open. I shrug and leave them to it for a moment going to the living room. Becci and Mary each asleep on a sofa, heads towards each other with Mikey on the floor between them. They must have been talking, yet again. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

I giggle as I watch Karen kick Sophia off the large beanbag chair they are sharing, Sophia doesn't even move. Once she's out, she's out, that one. Sophia had decided to stay the whole weekend, leaving the baby with her dad, "I deserve a break, nay, I need it!" She had said to him and who could deny that?

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