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"What the fuck?"

I shot up on the bed at the high pitched, screeching noise, that I can only assume is the smoke alarm once I was fully awake, which didn't take long.

"Ugh, make it stop!" Ashton groans next to me, putting his head under a pillow.

I huff moving off the bed and make my way out of the room, purposefully leaving the door open just to annoy Ash. Yes, I am evil. I see someone under the alarm waving a towel at it as I walk into the kitchen, I clear my throat causing them to jump and look at me.

"Breakfast is ready" Calum grins, I glare at him, "I made bacon" he points at a large tray on the counter and swipes at the alarm one last time as it stops.

My face softens and I smile grabbing a piece of bacon and sitting on the counter, "sleep well Mr. Hood?"

"Hey! Stop eating all the bacon"

"I took one piece!" I say grabbing another quickly, "so did you sleep okay on the sofas?" I look around at the living room behind me in the large open plan area, "where's Luke?"

"Oh, he left this morning"


"He said he had to go home for something"

"Oh okay" I say quietly

He turns and looks at me, I carry on eating my bacon but I'm cursed with having 'expressive eyes' as my friends say, and they must have shown something I didn't want them to because he suddenly said, "Let's go outside for a cig" he motions to the back garden with a small smile.

"Okie dokie" I smile "but I need..." He cuts me off by holding a mug of coffee out for me "aww, CalPal. Still bringing happiness to the world after all this time" I laugh getting off the counter and following him outside.

Things are quiet for a few minutes as we sat on the grass, smoking and taking in the peacefulness of the morning.

Unfortunately that was all that was peaceful. There was a tention in the air, not even when Calum and I first met had there been tention, granted I didn't actually realise who he was at the time due to my ridiculously overtired state, but it was never awkward, even the following day, but this right now, this was awkward.

Cal shifted slightly next to me and I couldn't take it anymore, so quickly blurt out, "alright, what's going on?" It came out louder than I had expected but Calum didn't move he just looked at the ground, "Calum" my tone softer this time, "what is it?"

He sighed and replied quietly, "what's going on with you and Luke?"

"I don't know what you mean" I was confused, Luke and I were friends, at least I hoped we were, I didn't understand what he meant by the question.

"Like, what's going on with you?"

"We're friends" I shake my head slightly, still not knowing where this conversation was going.

"It doesn't seem like it" I was shocked at his words, to say the least, "the way he left this morning..." he continued but I cut him off quickly

"You said he went home for something"

He chuckled slightly, "I've known Luke a lot longer than you, he never rushes home for anything"

"So why did he leave?" I turn to him "Calum, why did he leave?" I pull on his shoulder slightly so he faces me

"He asked about Ash, and I told him he was in your room"

"Yeah, so? It's not like it's the first time"

"I know, but it was different this time, somehow" he took a breath, "he seemed kind of... Disappointed... Maybe even sad. I mean he just said okay, but then he was quiet and then when I told him I was going to make breakfast he just said that he wasn't hungry and that he was going home"

"But Luke's always hungry"

"I know!" I was startled slightly by his voice, he seemed so frustrated, "you guys have gotten so close," he carried on, this time in an almost sympathetic way, "not like you and Ash, but you're constantly talking when you're together, apart from when we're out because you talk to everyone and dance a lot, but even when you're not together, you're texting each other. You're always laughing and Luke loves to laugh, trust me, but it's not the same. I see how you guys look at each other, how he looks at you when you're not looking, how you do the same. He's my best friend, Dylan and he's keeping something from me. So if he won't tell me, I want you to tell me"

I just look at him, blinking, shocked, and pretty much speechless. I hadn't even realised that that was how we came across to people. Had others noticed? Is that why he was talking to Michael about me? How could I have not seen it? Did I see it and just pretend I didn't? "Cal I can't tell you something when there's nothing to tell" I place my hand on his arm, putting the now burnt out cigarette in the ashtray "I'm sorry but I can't help you" I stand up slowly and give Calum's shoulder an apologetic squeeze before walking back inside.


I was walking a few steps behind Ashton as we made our way down the main street, he had said he wanted to take me somewhere for lunch. The hype around the boys and the band wasn't as bad as it used to be but I still didn't want to stand too close to him.

We had just dropped Dee and Cal at his usual tattoo studio as she wanted to get something to remember our holiday together. Calum had barely spoken to me since this morning and I was worried that our friendship had changed somehow.

I glanced up looking to see which way Ash was going but still stayed back. It sounds silly but I didn't really want to be a part of something, just in case. I knew how some people could get, I know they were just trying to be protective, but I've seen how they can be and how things can get out of hand very quickly.

I halted, seeing some fans approaching Ashton. I took the opportunity and kept walking, going around him and stopping in front of a random shop not too far away so he could still see where I was, and hesitated slightly before pulling out my phone;

To: Prima Ballerina (2:37pm)

Hey you. What you up to?

I bit my lip nervously sending the text. I lent against the wall and waited... And waited... And waited some more. I kept looking at my phone, willing it to vibrate, beep, flash, anything but there was nothing. I looked at it for a good seven minutes, I hadn't even noticed Ashton standing next to me.

"Wow, you must really love your phone" he giggled, and I looked up at him "come on, the place is just up here" he started walking, I glaced at my phone quickly and sadly put it back in my pocket seeing no reply from Luke. He always replies straight away, even if it was just to say he couldn't talk and would call afterwards. Was he really upset with me? Was he sad? I couldn't stop thinking about what Calum had said. "We're here" Ashton smiled pointing at the restaurant.

"Sushi?" I smiled back

"I remember you said a few days ago that you missed it. This is one of my favourite sushi places, so I thought I'd share the love" he held the door open for me and I walked inside, him following. We took a seat at a table near the back and made small talk while we ordered and waited for our food when he said suddenly, "soooo... You and Luke, ey?" He rest his chin in his hand, looking at me expectantly.

I sat back in my chair and let out a deep sigh,

"Not you too?"

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