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"Yeah, I'm just coming up to the door now"

I hang up the phone, opening the door to the restaurant and look around for Charlie. A waitress comes up to me asking if I needed any help just as I spot her sitting at a table by the window, "Oh, no thank you, my friend is just over there" I smile at her, she nods and goes back to her tables.

I walk over to Charlie and she smiles at me, "hey, how was your day?" She asks as I sit opposite her, putting my bag on the floor and tugging off my jacket.

"Hectic, I need a serious drink" I place my phone down on the table, opening up the drinks menu.

"How was the interview?"

"It was okay I guess" I shrug, placing my napkin in my lap, signaling for the waiter.

"How may I help you ladies this evening?" He asks with a charming smile.

"We'd like to start with some drinks, please" I look down at the menu, "I'll have a strawberry daiquiri please and my friend will have the same" I smile up at him.

He smiles, "no problem, I'll be back in a moment with your drinks" and he leaves.

"So... Just okay" Charlie says.

"It was an interview, same as all the others I've been on"

"Yeah, but you really wanted this job"

"I know, but I just have to wait like everyone else" I sigh.

The waiter came back with our drinks, we thanked him and ordered our food. Charlie was not amused that I only got a salad, it was dinner after all but it had chicken in it, so I don't see what her problem is. Apart from that we just talked about our days and she told me about how her job was going.

To be honest, I was too busy looking at my phone to hear what she was saying, it had been two weeks and still no word from Luke, the other three was a different story. They would alternate in calling and texting and it would always end the same, 'Yes, I promise I'm okay' I'd say, I doubt they believed me though.

Just as our food was brought over, my phone began to flash, Calum's adorable smile gracing my screen as his call icon. I apologised to Charlie, and got up to take the call at an empty table further back, where there was less noise.

"Hey, Calum" I beam, unable to keep the smile from my face

"You alright, love?" He asks

I can't help but laugh, "what the hell was that?"

"My British accent" he says sadly

"Oh, sweetie, please don't pout"

"I'm not pouting" he huffs

"I miss you" I say with a small smile on my lips

"That's because all the girls love C-Dizzle"

"Every single one, Cal. So tell me, why the call? I thought it was Mikey's turn" I look over at Charlie who's on her phone, "I can't stay on long, sorry, I'm out"

"Oh, sorry" he apologises, "are you doing anything nice?"

"Just dinner" I laugh slightly, "why?"

"Like a date?"

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