"the doctors...hot men. they're all really hot. they are aren't they? it's not just cause i'm wearing a plate-glass window?" janelle, the patient asked. 

"nope. they're man-candy," veronica answered. "especially you alex." she sent him an overexaggerated wink, that made him roll his eyes at her. 

"good." she then started coughing up blood. "okay that is nasty."

veronica watched the screen, "her stat's are in the 80's."

"i've got to get her oxygen. and i'm going to need a portable chest stat," addison ordered. 

"addison, i may have to ditch alex for you," veronica joked. 

"not the time for your jokes, ronnie," addison replied. 

veronica and addison had become fast friends after everything had calmed down between her and meredith. 


"did dr bailey see the chest x-ray?" addison asked. 

"no, but with the decreased breath sounds and low pulse ox, she suspects janelle will need a chest tube," veronica answered. 

"i'm dabbing out freaking glass splinters, and she gets to do a chest tube?" alex complained. 

"you signed on for this," mark reminded. 

"quit complaining alex, you wanna go into plastics, suck it up," veronica joked, hitting him on the back of the head lightly. 

janelle mentioned that there was no father to call when asked before bailey came in and informed them that it would be no chest tube as she had a shard of glass in her chest. 


veronica found meredith in the locker room before callie stormed in, yelling about keeping her secret and kicking her ass. she pinned her against the lockers. 

veronica started trying to get in between them, and when she finally did she stood on her tiptoes to seem taller. 

"hey, i'm sorry but she's very little and you're hurting her," she yelled.

"you told george. my night with mcsteamy was not yours to share," callie yelled as veronica kept pushing her back. 

"that's what this is about? your sex with mcsteamy? meredith didn't say anything, which means she probably didn't tell george," veronica explained. 

"callie, you told me you slept with someone. you never said it was sloan. george told me it was sloan," meredith exclaimed. 

callie left to find george and explain what had happened. 

"geez, she proper went for it," veronica laughed. "i had to try and make myself taller."

"i could tell," meredith chuckled. 


the word of cristina and burke hiding his hand tremor after he was shot got around the hospital. people were pissed, obviously. veronica wasn't going to hold it against her. he was in a position of power and although she agreed to help him, she knew he had the power to come forward. 

bailey put cristina on george's dad's case, which made everyone annoyed, however, bailey had made it so she didn't get to witness a cooler case. 

there were conjoined twins. 

"holy shit," veronica muttered. "cristina is really missing out."

they were going to be seperating the twins. sloan had chosen izzie and veronica. izzie refused to get his coffee order but managed to stay on his service. 

"thank god you refused," veronica muttered. 


everything started to go wrong as soon as elena, jake's girlfriend, one of the twins, revealed she was in love with pete, the other twin. 

when they went for lunch it was obvious that no one wanted to be near cristina. they began talking about her lying and the entire situation. it ended in cristina leaving. 

izzie was paged to sloan, which ended up with veronica joining her, confused as to why she wasn't paged too. turns out he just wanted coffee. 

"i am your attending and if you want in on my surgeries, you're going to learn how to fetch and stay and heel," mark told after izzie refused again to get his coffee. 

"we're interns not dogs, jesus christ," veronica exclaimed. "no fucking surgery is worth you treating us like slaves. this is a teaching hospital. izzie is meant to be learning not fetching coffee." veronica grabbed the money. "and she won't be getting the coffee, i will."

veronica began storming off, "but this doesn't mean i respect you or consider you a friend. if you want my respect and my friendship back, do something worth respecting and do something to earn it."

she left. 

she came back with the coffee, shoving it into his hands before leaving. 

izzie and veronica were told to scrub in on the surgery, much to their surprise. she watched closely as they operated on the twins. it was fascinating. 

she watched closely as they stimulated their nervous system. the twins were alive and separated and not paralysed. 


their shift ended with meredith yelling at everyone to forgive cristina and let her off the hook. izzie and alex both did. 

veronica let out a sigh of relief. 

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