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"Ughh, this feels too long" You groaned propping yourself up on the counter.

"You're just impatient" Penelope giggled.
"Just wait"

And so you did, you sat there for what felt like several hours, waiting and praying for the results to come through quickly.

Penelope set a timer on her phone and once the phone started beeping.
"It's time" I squeaked.

"What does it say?!" Penelope asked excitedly.

"I'm too scared to turn it over" you panicked.

"Y/n, turn the damn thing over!" Penelope snapped, which was very out of character for her.

"Ok" you gulped turning the test over.
"Oh my..."

"What does it say?" Penelope asked snatching the tests out of your hands.
"Oh my... Does this mean you're extra pregnant?"

"No, I think it just means, I am very pregnant" you mumbled in shock.

"Very pregnant? Like how many months?" Penelope questioned.

"I don't know" you shrugged, rolling your eyes.

"Well, when was the last time you and Spencer had sex?" Penelope asked.

"Last night" you sighed.
"Most nights."

"Wow, you have a lot of sex" Penelope murmured.
"Like, a lot"

"Penelope" you groaned.

"Come on, the others are probably curious to find out, so put those tests in this plastic bag" She held up a bag.
"And come with me"

Grabbing your hand, she pulled you out of the bathroom and back into the cafe.
"We've got your lunch" Emily mentioned as you sat down at the table.

"So?... What's the verdict?" JJ asked curiously.

"I'm... Very... Very pregnant," you told them.
"Like, every test came out positive, the ones with the lines, showed the lines clear as day, and the digital ones might as well have said it in capital letters."

"Oh my goodness!" JJ exclaimed pilling you in for a tight hug.

"How are you going to tell Spencer?" Emily asked excitedly.

"I don't know. JJ how did you tell Will?" you questioned turning to the blond.

"I kind of just called him. It's not exactly like Henry was part of the plan. I didn't think me and Will would last honestly if it wasn't for Henry, and now look where we are" JJ rambled.

"JJ, I love you but that doesn't help" you sighed burying your head in your hands.

"I have an idea, tell him in a language he doesn't know, and then tell him if he wants to know what you said, he has to figure it out himself" Emily suggested.

"That's... That's actually so smart... Like that's a really good idea." you exclaimed in shock.
"We just have to figure out what language he doesn't speak."

"Irish" Penelope stated.
"Spencer once told me, he never saw a point in learning languages that I rarely used anymore."

"Doesn't he speak Latin?" JJ frowned.

"Yeah, but he would argue that most European languages derive from Latin, and Latin is extremely important in maths" You mentioned.
"Fair enough... So... Does anyone here know any Irish?"

"tá mé ag iompar" Emily answered quickly.

"Wow... H-How do you know that?" you questioned.

"You realize Reid isn't the only intelligent person on this team?" Emily asked rhetorically.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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