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⚠︎︎Suicide attempt, extreme violence, and angst⚠︎︎

⚠︎︎TRIGGER WARNING⚠︎︎⚠︎︎Suicide attempt, extreme violence, and angst⚠︎︎♡︎

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"You have a choice... You can shoot either Derek or Emily. But I warn you... Point that gun at anyone else and we will shoot all your friends before you get the chance to hurt any of us." Your mother explained.

"No... I-I refuse" you shook your head.

"Choose or they all die" Your mother warned.


"I refuse" you mumbled shaking your head.

"Come on Y/n, either Emily or Derek, or we'll kill both." Andrea groaned.

"Please I'll do anything but don't make me do this!" you begged.

"Y/n kill me! It's ok, just fire at me" Derek ordered.

"What?! No! Y/n kill me, it's fine, it's my choice, it's not your fault, just be quick about it" Emily cut in.

Suddenly a huge argument broke out between the team, the noise got so loud it drove you insane, to add to the noise, you could hear a loud ringing in your ear probably to do with the stress.

And without saying a word you made your decision, you looked down at the gun as you lifted it up to your temple, Andrea laughed triggering the team to turn their attention towards you.

"Y/N NO!" Spencer screamed you tried to crawl towards you, but he was quickly held back.

"It's ok... It's ok... I love you" You whispered before closing your eyes, taking a deep shakey inhale, and pulling the trigger.

Spencer screamed as you did it, but then he paused. Frowning you opened your eyes and removed the gun from your head.

"Well that was interesting" Andrea laughed pulling the gun from your hands.
"I hoped you would choose one of your friends and ruin their perspective of you, but I should've known you would prefer to kill yourself."

"P-Please s-stop this" Spencer pleaded looking up at Andrea with his red puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"What do I have to do to win this?" You asked.

"Win this?" Michael questioned.

"You said this was a game. Games are won and lost. So how do I win?" You asked bravely.

"The objective of the game is and has always been to get you to show your friends the woman you truly are... Because you try and act like... saint... But you're no saint. There's a part of you that you hideaway. Almost like another personality. An alter ego... Like Jekyll and Hyde..." Andrea explained.

Love without risk {Spencer x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now