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TRIGGER WARNING: slight angst.



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You had to spend a week in hospital before you and Spencer were finally allowed to go home. It was lucky timing considering the team returned from the case only hours before you and Spencer were both discharged.

You couldn't be happier to leave the hospital. No more doctors and nurses unnecessarily worrying about you, no more repetitive heart monitor beeping, no more uncomfortable beds or horribly bright lights.

You were finally free!

While you had been in hospital, Penelope and a few of her friends had gone round to your apartment and transported all the boxes over to your new apartment.

Penelope even unpacked them all for you, which she was happy to do until she found your special box of sex toys. She left that box unpacked at the bottom of your new wardrobe.

Thanks to your mother shooting you 3 times, your leg had to be in an uncomfortable, unnecessarily large boot, like the ones you have when you break your leg.

Your hand was in a similar kind of removable cast, your arm and shoulders were luckily wrapped up in gaze which wasn't too uncomfortable.

You were also given a singular crutch, you couldn't be given to because one of your hands didn't work properly.

You were also given a wheelchair just in case you needed it. So in other words you had been given basically everything the hospital could possibly give you.

The other thing that was slightly ruining your good mood was Spencer because he was grumpy.

To be fair he had good reason to be grumpy, he did just get shot, then have life-saving surgery, and spent a significant amount of time in the hospital all without having any pain medication to help him.

So yeah, he was in pain and the only thing he accepted was paracetamol.

You were proud of him for fighting through it but it did hurt to see him in so much pain. You did suggest that he took a small amount of morphine or something but he said he didn't want to risk relapsing completely.

As he put it:
'I hate the man I was high, I'm only lucky you weren't there to see it. I don't want you to see that'

You respected his decision but it wasn't easy.

When you were discharged, Hotch and Derek helped you into the wheelchair and Penelope happily wheeled you out of the hospital and into the SUV.

"How are you two feeling?" Rossi asked as both you and Spencer were helped into the car.

"Happy to be going home" you replied, Spencer just huffed and held his stomach.

"Kid, you good?" Rossi questioned.

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