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Mention of suicide (Not being serious)

TRIGGER WARNINGMention of suicide (Not being serious)♥︎

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Waking up the next day really sucked, your head hurt like a bitch, your body ached, and everything hurt your eyes... Even the darkness was too light for you.

"Oh fuck" you groaned rolling off the bed onto the floor.

"Oh shit" Spencer chuckled hurrying over to your side and helping you back onto the bed.
"I'm guessing you're not feeling great?"

"No, Spencer, I'm actually feeling wonderful" you snapped sarcastically only making Spencer laugh more.
"SHHH, you're too loud"

"What do you need angel?" Spencer asked cupping your cheek gently.

"I... I need... to be-" You began before gagging.
"To be sick"

Running of bed you sprinted to the bathroom and only just made it in time before throwing up violently into the toilet.

"I hate you" You murmured as Spencer held back your hair.

"How is this my fault?" Spencer asked with a smile.

"I don't know, it just is" you replied before throwing up more.

"I love you too" Spencer chuckled rubbing your back.


Your day was extremely uneventful, you throw up a couple of times, then slept for 90% of it, only waking up when you needed a drink or aspirin.

Spencer didn't mind that you were sleeping for the whole day, it meant there were no distractions for him. And so, he spent the day packing up almost everything in the apartment, stacking the boxes ready to be taken by the movers.

By the next morning, the entire apartment was basically empty, apart from the furniture. Luckily you were feeling much better at that point and were able to help load all the boxes into the big van.

The team wanted to help you move, but because it was a Monday everyone was working so they promised to come over in the evening to help empty any boxes that had yet to be emptied.

This house was a place both you and Spencer fell in love with practically instantly, it was big and extremely beautiful.

It was old, and unlike modern houses, the bricks weren't painted over, they were on show making the house look wonderfully fairy-tale-like.

Vines, that were covered in ivy and flowers grew up the walls, all the way to the roof making this already stunning house look even prettier.

There were 2 sets of gates, the first set were wide gates allowing for cars to get into the driveway, these were located at the side of the house away from the front door, and the other gate was a small walk away from the front door for people to walk in normally.

Love without risk {Spencer x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now