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⚠︎︎Angst, and panic attack.⚠︎︎


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The morning after your wedding, you woke up to a splitting headache, which honestly wasn't surprising.

Besides the multiple times, you had sex the night before, you and Spencer had also drunk a lot of the complimentary champagne that the hotel had given you.

"Ugh, how is the morning after a wedding meant to be romantic?" You groaned burying your face in the pillow.
"My head hurts."

"I'd hardly call it morning, it's 12pm..." Spencer chuckled placing his book down on the bedside table.
"I got up a while ago, so my hangover has basically subsided."

"Shut up" You whined into your pillow.

"I'm sorry baby" Spencer whispered planting kisses over the top of your back.

"It tickles" you giggled rolling back over and cuddling Spencer.
"Hello Husband"

"Hello, wife" Spencer beamed pushing your hair out your face.

"So, what are we-" you were cut off by your phone, it seemed to be ringing at an obnoxiously loud volume, although that could have been the hangover amplifying all sounds to make your life just that little bit harder.

"Please answer it" you mumbled clinging onto Spencer tiredly.

"Hello?" Spencer answered.

"Reid, I know you and Y/n have time off, but I'm gonna need you both to come into work," Hotch said through the phone.

"Like right now?" Spencer questioned.

"Yes, I'm sending some agents to come pick you up."

"O-Ok... Uh... We'll be there"

Putting the phone down, Spencer sighed audibly.
"What?" you asked.

"Hotch needs us to come in" Spencer replied solemnly.

"B-But it's our honeymoon," you whined.

"It sounded serious, he's sending people to pick us up" Spencer explained.

"That doesn't sound good" you mumbled.


Spencer had to aid you slightly as you entered the BAU. Having sex 6+ times in one night was painful.

"There's the happy couple" Derek beamed, yet there was something about his smile that didn't seem too genuine.

"Hi" You greeted.
"Do you know what this is about?"

"Go talk to Hotch" Derek whispered looking up at your boss's office.

Sighing, you and Spencer made your way up the stairs, and towards the room. As you entered Hotch stood up and pointed you both towards the couch.

Love without risk {Spencer x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now