Comenzar desde el principio

"Not really, oo, you should invite her to Rossi's tonight" You beamed excitedly.

"I'll think about it" Derek sighed.

"Good enough for me," You smiled beelining towards to door.
"Come on lover boy, we have a secret to turn into a rumor."

Enlacing your fingers between Spencer's you, walked out the office and back into the bullpen.
"Ooo, this reminds me, I need to chat to Garcia" you mumbled releasing Spencer's hand and speed walking to Penelope's office.

Before I continue, it's probably a good idea to mention that you had drunk a lot of coffee before this point, which explained your behavior.

"Hello, beautiful" Penelope exclaimed as you wandered into her office.

"Hello my queen, I have a job for you... It's all to do with Spencer's Christmas present." You began.

"Exciting continue" Penelope murmured.

"The man wants a dog, and as I need some kind of experience parenting, it's not the most insane idea in the world, but I need you to find me a puppy," you told us.

"How exciting what kind?" Penelope asked.

"Nothing that grows too big, me and Spencer need something small that will stay small but not a pug, I think pugs are morally wrong," you mentioned.
"Anyway, I'm bad at searching for stuff, so I was wondering if you could help, also I'd prefer if the dog was from a rescue center."

"Oof, a puppy from a rescue center they are rare, they get snatched up real quick" Penelope pointed out.

"I know, it's a big ask but-"

"I would love to help" Penelope cut in.
"Serious, the thought of boy genius with a dog, makes me unbelievably happy."

"I know" You sighed happily.
"I want to give him something that he really wants, I mean besides from everything he's done for me. And... I know he really wants kids, but I'm not ready for that, I feel like I need to give him something in the meantime."

"Y/n, firstly, should feel like you need to give him something" Penelope commented.

"Ok, I want to give him something" You corrected.

"Better, don't worry gorgeous, I'll find you that puppy in no time, and I'll keep my mouth zipped."

"I'm sure you won't keep it zipped, I have a feeling while we've been talking you've been texting Emily under the table?" You pointed out, noticing Penelopes' phone in her hand.

"I mean-" Penelope went pink.

"Thought so" you giggled, turning away towards the door.
"Love you, Garcia"

"Love you too" She called back.


"I'm thinking of getting surgery" you mentioned straightening your dress out in front of the mirror.

"Surgery?" Spencer questioned coming up behind you.

"Well, not surgery, but laser treatment shit" you corrected, looking up at him, in the reflection.

"For what?" Spencer frowned resting his chin on your head.

"These scars" you pointed to the multiple scars you had gotten from the many traumas in your life.

"You do whatever makes you happy, but you really don't need treatment to remove them, they don't make you any less beautiful" Spencer cooed, pushing your hair off your shoulder, as he leaned down and began kissing your neck.

Love without risk {Spencer x Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora