"Did that little spitfire make it? The Freya kid. Shame if she didn't, she had too much heart" Merle asks, I just nod.
"Yeah, she's breathin" I grumble, Merle starts laughing.
"She ever beat up the sheriff's kid?" He asks, I shake my head.
"Nah" I say.
She's a good kid with some trouble in her past.

What I don't like is that I might have an idea of that past and I hope I'm wrong.


Freya's POV

Scanning the forest, I look for any kind of critter before I make my way back. I got a squirrel and something that looks like a fox.

Hearing gunshots, I kneel down and listen. It sounds like it's coming from the prison. Is the governor prick finally attacking?

Running, I grab my revolver and try to get there quickly but before I can get close to the beginning of the forest, walkers enter my path. I shoot a few before pulling out my tanto blades. My breathing gets raggedy as I push, kick and stab walkers. My emotions going into the last one that I continue to kick even after it's dead.

After I finally feel better, I stop and wipe my blades on its shirt. Breathing heavily, I make my way to the prison again, jumping over branches and dead trees.

They better be okay.

I can't have anyone else leaving me.


3rd Person POV

Every vehicle from the governor leaves. Leaving the walkers they brought behind.

Rick is stuck between the outer fence and a couple of walkers, but soon they're dead from an arrow and a blade. Merle and Daryl help Rick and they try to get back into the prison.

When everyone is back in the prison, everyone instantly notices Merle's presence but Daryl doesn't focus on that right now.
"Where's Freya?" He asks, Maggie glares at him and is about to go off on him but Glenn stops her before she can start.

"She went hunting a few hours ago" Glenn says, Rick sighs but moves Merle into the other cell room thingy.
"She take Bird wit' her?" Daryl asks, Carol shakes her head and looks down. Daryl doesn't think him leaving had a big impact on the girl but Carol knows it did. Everyone did. Their sassy child was suddenly quiet and distant.

"He can't stay here!" Glenn says, pointing at the older Dixon. Starting an argument in the prison and everyone suddenly forgets about the girl that went hunting.

Freya's POV

Somehow, I'm able to avoid most of the walkers and only kill a few. Nobody is at the main gate so they can't let me in.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

"Freya!" I hear T-Dog yell, looking at him as I take out a walker, I run to the gate when I see him opening it. Once I'm in and he locks it again, he instantly lifts me into a hug and spins around.

"Godamn it, girl. We were starting to get worried" He says, setting me down, I giggle at the walker blood now on his already dirty grey T shirt. He notices my amusement and looks at his shirt in disgust.

"C'mon, we both gotta go change. This is stinkaaaay" He says, I nod and grab his hand as we go back inside the prison but he stops.
"Any bullets in that gun of yours?" He asks, I shake my head no and he nods.
"Good" He mumbles, we walk into the prison and the first thing I'm about to do is go towards Sophia and show her the kills.

But I stop when I see Daryl, I let go of Theo's hand and go up the stairs to my cell instead. I think I'll just change and then go skin these. I made sure to field clean them so I don't have most of the innards to deal with. I hear a sigh but continue to the cell.

"Damn, little brother. You pissed her off" I hear Merle say and I stop. Of course, Merle Fucking Dixon.
"Fuck off" I sign, sending him the bird, continuing my short trip to my cell.

"Well, ain't she just a sweet little ol' peach" Merle says, I enter my cell and put the sheet cover over the cell door, quickly I start changing. But stop when I get my shirt off, I move my hand down my back so it can feel the bumpy skin that's healed over. My parents....

People that should have loved me, acted like I was an object to vent their anger on.

Sighing, I put on a somewhat clean shirt and some pants before leaving Soph and I's cell, taking my two kills with me.

"Here, I'll skin these, go help with Judith" Carol says, I nod and go to Beth.

"She really likes the stuffy you made her" Beth says, making the stuffy walk around Judith until it sits next to her. I smile and slightly tickle Judith, her squealing giggle making Beth and I laugh.

"Freya" I hear the voice of Daryl say and I instantly frown. Beth gets up and takes Judith with her.
"That's my brother. I had to go with 'im, kid. My blood" Daryl says, I just nod.

"...... I know, I want to think I'd do the same if it came to uncle Paul, but I honestly don't know" I say, my voice scratchy from not using it lately, Daryl sits next to me. We sit in silence for a bit, but I turn and hug him, catching him by surprise.
"I'm still mad but I missed you, Dixie" I grumble, he ruffles my hair.

"Missed ya too, Bloody" He says, I break the hug and smile at him.  








* inserts ASL I love you sign*

Princess Of The End {TWD x Child}Where stories live. Discover now