It was an Omega.

The green-haired young Omega he'd met before.

"Oh gosh! Why w-would you take the expresso!"

She advances swiftly, snatching the bitter soup and pouring it down a hole in front of the machine that Izuku assumed was a bin of some sort. It was satisfying when he saw the porcelain of the white cup was once again spotless.

"I-If you wanted a coffee, y-you should've taken a latté ~ kero!"

Izuku blinks a few times in confusion. "Coffee?"

The greenette beside him now turns to meet his eyes, her height the slightest bit smaller than him, but her skin softly tanned and her body more chubby, rounded cheeks grazed with a pink blush, glitter sparkling over her black-blended irises, the tip of her tongue sticking out above the corner of her top lip. He tries not to stare at the rounded breasts, his instincts glowering with jealousy.

The girl also vividly reminded him of Ochako.

"An expresso is the st-strongest coffee. Y-You have to go for the weakest, if your n-new to coffee ~ kero."

Izuku nods in affirmation, but wasn't entirely sure why the girl kept saying 'kero' at the end of her sentences. Well, not all the time, but enough for the Omega to notice. He doesn't point it out.

The girl then presses the 'latté' button, pouring out a nicer-looking drink for Izuku. "Leave it aside f-for a bit. I-It takes a while to cool ~ kero."

Again, he nods.

"S-So you're Izuku, right?"

Nodding. It's all he could bring himself to do, with his tongue now close to numb.

"I-I need to get you washed and dressed. Th-The boss wants to s-see you again ~ kero."

At that, Izuku's eyes narrow, the faintest of growls building up at the back of his throat. His senses sharpen at that. This was his life now - nothing but Bakugo's toy. He hated that name. If he could, he'd rake it through mud. He hated the Alpha. He remembers what he did to him that day, forcing him to be naked, and then humiliating him. He wants to be sick just thinking about it.

"Are you going to put me in another robe for him to strip off?"

He didn't mean for it to come out like that. He scowls at himself for using such a tone towards a girl who has done nothing but be obedient to Bakugo.

However, she doesn't show offence, or fear. Maybe a bit of curiosity?

Soundlessly, she turns around, walking a little away from Izuku. "Whilst your d-drink cools, I'll bathe you."

Her voice is calm. Professional. Izuku needs to know how she hides her emotions away from her voice like that.

He's led to an en suite, the large tub starting to fill once the girl turns on the five taps placed on the edge, closing them once the waterline was halfway in about twenty seconds. She then squirts a few lines of soap in before turning the taps back on, stopping again when the inch-thick froth reaches the brim.

"Can I help?" Izuku asks some time in between, unsure on what to do besides stand there.

"No," she replies, "Y-You were chosen by the boss, so w-we have to serve you as well ~ kero."

Izuku didn't interfere or protest. He knew how scared the Omegas were of Bakugo - or, he figured as such. He does what he can to make the girl's job easier, though, moving his arms around once he was in the tub to a place that would make it easier for her to scrub. Once again, his skin was without fault, flushed with the sponge's course sides and scented of irises. It wasn't the jasmine flowers he's familiar with, but it does come close second.

"What's your name?" he politely enquires, the greenette looking across to his face. She gives a cute smile - one that Izuku thought awfully resembles Ochako's.

"Asui Tsuyu, b-but you can just call me Tsu ~ kero."

"Tsu..." Izuku tests it on his tongue. It rolls nicely. His lips curl into a smile. The morning dew. A pretty name for an equally pretty girl. Izuku wonders what handsome Alpha she would get. Caring like her, maybe? At least she gets a choice, though.

Izuku's was a notorious, conceited and selfish asshole.

The rest of that morning slides by in a comfortable silence. Izuku drinks his 'coffee' - it was a little more bearable than the 'expresso', but it tasted a thousand times better when Tsu added sugar to it. It tasted like honey, also with the accents of a pleasurable bitterness. Izuku might start drinking this regularly, if this suite was his place of stay.

He's not dressed in a robe. He's dressed in a silk, cream-coloured shirt, curving to his figure perfectly, yet also quite long, the sleeves stopping past his fingers and the hem reaching fast of his mid-thigh, black leggings covering up the rest of his legs. The attire was his first of many, and he liked it. It was comfortable and light - a vast contrast to the hessian scratching against his skin.

Yet all the same, it felt strange. Why was he being pampered? Why was he given nice clothes that he could only assume were expensive? Well, from the texture and drape alone, he could certainly tell they weren't cheap. So what was Bakugo's motive?

"Tsu?" He gains the Omega's attention quite swiftly, her green hair shifting as her head turns to face him. "What will happen to me?"

Tsu seems to struggle for a reply. She bites her lip, her fingers fumbling behind her back, and she gives a long pause. At one point, Izuku wondered whether she'd heard him properly, or if she was deliberately not answering. However, she speaks, her words wavering a little as they fall from her mouth.

"I-I'm not sure. But... I-I think he's attempting to c... c-court you..."

And that was that for Izuku.

Courting? The head Alpha was trying to court him?! Izuku would've laughed at the ludicrous idea. Court him?! Give another 'expresso' to Izuku hell the ideology put bile in his mouth!

That Alpha had yanked him out of the streets and shoved him into a palace basically covered in gold! He doubted a single penny or dime on these walls were spared for any starving and suffering family. To hell with that idea, he was living the dream! Then he dared to humiliate Izuku! Strip him naked and tie him up, leaving him bare to his will! Oh, Izuku wished he could've landed a punch on that dickhead. Claw at his beautiful face and make him hate what he saw in the mirror. He wouldn't hold back - not until there's blood.

But, goddamn it, why was he an Omega? Why did he always have to yearn to the scent of the Alpha? Why can he just take control of his Omega and fend off the Alpha, hiss defiantly and be difficult to handle? If Bakugo wanted him so bad, why couldn't Izuku just shun him out, and be the one thing he can't have? Then again, why isn't he dominating Izuku and forcing him to become his own? He could easily do so, so why was he trying to court him instead?

"Right," he murmurs in reply.

This whole situation is very confusing...


Hi guys, I'm back!

I'm making this chapters longer and longer, so I hope you don't mind... or do you? Maybe you like more quantity?

I have a hunch that things are going to get spicy...


I have a lot of oncoming plans for this!

Have a nice day!

Be potates!


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