Demon Lord, the truth is...I've always wanted to do you

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The next day. At work. 

Eric's body ached heavily. Del was very merciless and rough yesterday night. Again, emphasis, Del didn't put it in but just thinking about being done so hard against the wall, the ground, the table, then finally the bed, with that hard, pulsating thing rocking between his thighs, Eric really got wet just thinking about it plunging deep inside him.

No, Eric had to keep a straight mind. Don't turn so horny and think about these naughty things! Because to be honest, Eric had other things to worry about. On one hand, he was juggling with his hateful colleagues who wanted nothing more than to harass and pick on him and on the other hand, he had to deal with an overly clingy and grieving Nol.

The second Eric entered the CEO's office, a barrage of suffocating air hit him where sulking mushrooms not only grew but multiplied crazily just as leaving a male and female bunny for an hour together did. Damn. You have 100 more little bunny babies and what do you do with them? Let them fluff up your life, but too much fluff wasn't good.

Anyways, this was how Eric felt. Too much puppy wasn't good.

"Teacher!" Nol immediately stood up and ran to Eric, what he wanted to do the most was to strip the hell out of Eric, bend him over and do him hard, but just one glance at all the hickeys covering Eric's body, not even long clothes could cover, made Nol lose motivation.

So, with the saddest and most pitiful voice, with his tears on the verge of birthing two new Niagara falls, Noel said, "Teacher... did you do it with the Demon Lord?"

"Ahem," Eric coughed twice, adjusted his attire and very professionally walked to the desk away from Nol, "You have a lot of things to do. Let's focus on the important bits."

"This is important! Is the teacher going to abandon me? Are you... cheating on me?"

Oh no! Oh no no no! This cursed word actually dared to make it over Nol's lips! You could call Eric anything, an arrogant scum, a bastard, a sadistic slave keeper, but never, never call him a cheater! That went against Eric's moral code!

In the first place, Nol read too much into their physical relationship! Both as Eric and Nol, FL and ML, they weren't in a romantic relationship at all! So how could you call that cheating?

Yes, I jumped in bed with you, no, Eric looked around, I jumped into everywhere with you, and yes jumped into everywhere with Del, but this didn't mean I was cheating, because I'm not an item with any of you!

But still, Eric did feel like he was two-timing, but it wasn't his fault, ok! He just went along and well, enjoyed being dicked down, ok?

Cough cough. Super duper cough. You see the black hole down there that sucked Alice up and sent her on an acid trip sponsored by wonderland?

Yes, Eric was just going to go on a quick drive, don't mind him, he won't reappear as the MC again. Cough MC as in the FL, no walls breaking here, everything was completely, wonderfully sturdy.

So, Eric went on and disregarded everything.

"This document is very im-"

"Teacher!" aggrieved Nol, very gently, slammed Eric against the edge of his table and towered over him, while he, naturally, very erotically confined Eric between his strong and muscular arms that just reeked of biceps popping off here and there.

"Nol, listen," now it was time for the important talk parents, especially dads always turned away from educating their sons, so it ended up with, "You came out of the toilet. You were brought by a flying animal. You were pooped out. We found you in the trash," and all sorts of excuses when in truth it just needed to be, "You came out of your mom's womb."

(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!Where stories live. Discover now