15: That is more blood than a girl on her period!

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€: Maya's Point of View €:
Friday, October 31st
3:30 pm

"WHAT THE HECK?" Madison screamed from her room.

I ran in there. It was my turn to babysit the three minions and I didn't need anyone dying.

"Maddie! What's wrong?" I swing open her door and look around, looking for a psychopath with a butter knife and blood.

All I saw was my sister sitting on her bed, earbuds in, and laptop on. Of course.

I walk over to her and yank out her earbuds. "Maddie!"

She looked at me, as if I had interrupted something extremely important or private. "What?"

"You just effing screamed like you were about to die!" I yelled at her.

"I was watching American Horror Story."

"Why?" I hated that show. I couldn't stand the sight of blood at all. Spiders terrified me and I hated bugs with a burning passion. But Tate is the except to the show. I would much rather stick with books and my people.

"Because." She shrugs and pauses it.

She had to pause it where the screen was almost completely covered in blood. Why does everyone just get stabbed? I shuddered.

"This show is awesome!" She laughs.

She will win the award for 'Least Sane' if we have out that award at school.

"Look," she clicked continue and I watched with a sour face for a few minutes as Simon followed in place next to me.

"That is more blood than a girl on her period!" He exclaims.

Maddie and I turn around and look at the same time, deadly glares towards Simon.

"What," he shrugged. "It's the truth."

Maddie looked at me, as if saying, You're the one in charge. You hit him.

And so I did. I smacked his arm.

"Violent." He muttered.

"We've got to go pick up Theodore, don't we? It's almost five minutes after 3:30 and aren't we supposed to pick him up soon?" Maddie asked.

Since when was she looking out for her younger brother? I spoke too soon when she replied.

"Yes, so let's go." I say.

"Why do we have to go?!" She slams her lap top shut.

I cross my arms. I was not putting up with an attitude, especially after today. "Because I don't trust either of you two. So get in the car." I snap and walk out of her room.

I chose to ignore the comments the twins made to each other as I grabbed my bag. I waited impatiently at the door, arms crossed.

Maddie glared at me as she exited and got in the backseat. Simon decided to be a normal person and just went to the side of the truck. I set the alarm and locked the door behind me. We went to pick up Theo from the daycare and preschool and that really didn't help my mood.

I went to the front desk and asked for him since I couldn't find out. I hear that the five to ten year olds are outside, at the playground.

I sigh and walk outside and call for Teddy, who wants to stay. "MJ! Do I have to?" He pouted.

Now was not the time to argue. I've had a crappy day and now I'm dealing with stupid sibling problems.

"Yes." I say sternly.

When Teddy pouts again, he chooses to ignore me and start playing with his friends.

"Theodore!" I say, as he gets on my last nerve.

"Fine." He glares at me and lowers his head as he walks past me, to get his stuff.

Great, I'm just ruining everyone's damn feelings today!

I trudged after him and signed out. He sat in the backseat next to Maddie. How was Simon being the good sibling?

I just jinxed myself. I waited for Simon to say something that would set my last nerve off as I clutched the steering wheel.

We take off back to the house and get there in silence. We go inside and sit in the living room.

"When are we going Trick-Or-Treating?" Theo whined.

"Crap, I forgot I have to take Theo out tonight. I was going to hang out with my friends," Maddie said, bummed.

I lean back and check my phone, realizing it had been on silent. Surprise, surprise. No new messages.

My phone interrupts Simon as he began talking by playing 'Beside You' by 5 Seconds Of Summer. The picture I took of Harry at the mall popped up, along with his name. I answered and walked out of the living room and into my room.

"Hallo?" A male voice asked.

"Hi." I answer.

"Hey, MJ. You remember what the Halloween theme is, right?"

"Um.. Halloween?" I blinked and sat on my bed.

"Sorta, yeah," Harry laughed. "I was calling to check. It's-"

What Harry had said was blurred out by another incoming call, from Carter. I clicked ignore and asked Harry what he had said.

"Hey," he said, with noise in the background. "I have to go. See you tonight, doll. And don't forget about the theme."

"Wait, Harry, I didn't hear the-" The line ended.

Well crap. I felt like it would seem weird if I texted one of my friends, asking what the theme is, since I was supposed to know it.

I was totally unsure. I fell back into the bed, groaning. Why was life being so freaking difficult?

£: Danny's Point Of View £:
Friday, October 31st
4:38 pm

I was almost done giving Cassanea a tour of the city. Cassanea Cross was a new student and I was assigned to show her around. Her parents gave birth to triplets, her, and two boys. I met her brothers, Callum and Shane, along with her parents. They all seem nice, just typical teenagers. Cassanea is about three inches shorter than me, has a nice tan, is a dark blonde, with sea-green eyes.

She's really pretty and is real caring. She told me that she loves all animals and wants to become a veterinarian to help them.

I took her to Starbucks because everyone loves that place and I paid for her drink.

"Is there any type of special Halloween festival or anything similar?" Cassanea asks.

"Actually, a good friend of mine throws at least four parties a month, and tonight is one of those nights. He's having a Halloween costume party."

"That sounds really fun. Do you think I would be able to go?"

"Totally, you could come with me." I said.

"Would it be okay if Callum and Shane came too? They love parties and it would be a great way for them to make friends."

"Yeah, no problem," I give a half-smile.

"Thanks, Daniel. You've been really nice and helpful through this."

"Really, don't mention it." I wasn't used to compliments and it was a weird feeling. I had smirked as I talked just to try to keep the same act going.

I think I am a good guy. But being popular is what I need. So the bad boy rep has to stay, obviously.

A/N: Hello! I've decided on what I'm going to do. I won't make chapters every week and post on Fridays because of everything that's been in my life and how long it takes. I will still keep writing. I haven't given up on this story. My plan is to write every other week. That might not work but the chapters will be updated at least once every month for certainty. I wouldn't even be able to go two and a half weeks without writing.
I wish everyone a good Friday and a happy Easter. If that's not what you be live inside, then I wish you a happy weekend!

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