She had a sudden thought and did feel bad. But she deserved to know. It's not like he'll know. She picked up his phone and it took her a while to figure out the password. But it unlocked surprisingly.

He had a lot of messages? Who was he texting that would be blowing his phone up at almost 2 am? She clicked onto the messages, it was Namjoon, of course.

Scrolling through their texts she furrowed her brows, Namjoon really was forcing him to work, he seemed somewhat okay when she met him but this was just..

And Yoongi too? They were was like torturing him. She didn't understand why it was happening but she didn't like it. Then she started scrolling more into his chats with Jin. So that's why he sleeps late.

Getting caught and any other possibilities still keeps him up, he's worrying his ass off because Namjoon won't let him leave and now he's sleep deprived.


She physically jumped, unable to even scream when she suddenly heard the deep voice.

"Why are you awake Koo? Go back to sleep"


"Sleep baby"

"Put my phone down"

His sleepy voice vanished and he sounded serious, almost as if threatening. Shit. She got caught. He wasn't going to be happy, at all. She was in trouble.

"Okay, now you can go to sleep?"

"What're you doing on my phone? How did you even unlock it?"

"I was just uh-like.."

"You were?"


"How did you even unlock it?"

"Uhh-you left it unlocked"

"Okay? So why were you on it?"

"You keep getting messages"

"I hope you weren't going through my phone, it's got work things on it"

"No, why would I care about your work things anyways?"

"You shouldn't"

"And I don't"

"Mm, what did you do?"

"Checked the time and then kinda vibed around"

"I see"

"Why? What's on your phone?"

"You think anything that concerns you is on there? Like what? Seulgi's number?"

"You still have her number?"

"After you gave it to me, yes, do I use it? No, shes a boring bitch"

"Do you text any girls?"

"No, I have your moms number but I don't text her, it's just for emergency"

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