Chapter 5

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we finally made it to edas coffee shop me and amity walked into the building we didn't see eda so that meant she was in the back room or she was asleep

Hey since eda isn't here what do you want to drink I asked here let me get a iced coffee she said I quickly made it and I checked my watch

We needed to get to school so we got back in the car and drove there it didn't take us long since the school wasn't to far away from the coffee shop

I pulled into the parking lot and parked my park I got out and me and amity walked into the building we had to get to class cause we spent to much time playing around

I entered first period and me and amity had the same first class but amity didn't sit by me which was sad I wasn't really paying attention to the lesson I was busy staring at amity class went by slow

The bell rang I packed my things and walked to my lockers to get my books that I needed for my next period and then hunter came up to me

Me and hunter don't like each other much he use to bully me back in middle school I would never stand up to him

Over the years I started to protect myself and not let people push me around

Oh look who it is I new that voice what do you want hunter oh I just wanted to see you again why the hell would you want to see me

Prom is coming up and I wanted to ask amity to go with me and since you guys are so close I wanted to ask you if she had a date or not

No she doesn't have a date but I don't think she would go with someone like you oh I see are you jealous that I'm asking her to prom did you want to go with here yah I don't think that's going to happen

I was so pissed off I wanted to hit him square in the face but I didn't I needed to control my anger and I just decided to walk off

Then something tugged the back of my collar i turned around and it was hunter what the hell do you want from me oh are you so tough now I remember very clearly back in middle school you us-

I had enough of hunter I punched him right in the face people started to crowd around us hunter started to bleed I really didn't give a fuck so I punched him over and over then I felt something or someone telling me to stop and of course when I turn around amity was right there begging me to stop I stopped punching him

But amity had ran away so I  ran after her she was by this cherry blossom tree in the woods she was crying

I walked up to her and sat down hey can we talk I told her she didn't respond I'm really sorry amity I shouldn't have beat up hunter like that I'm okay I promise I didn't get hurt I know you worry about me but I promise I'm okay

Amity quickly hugged me and hid her face in the crook of my neck I'm glad your okay you just act like a different person when your mad and it scares me and why did you beat up hunter ?

Well he wanted you to go to prom with him and I knew you were going to say no and he kept  brining up that he use to bully me in middle school so then I punched him

Also I was going to ask if you would go to prom with me that also why I got upset wait you want to go to prom with me umm yeah I do I replied I would love to go to prom with you luz


Alright sorry I haven't been making new chapter I got COVID and it's been hard to update anyways love you byeeeeee<3

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