Chapter 2

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I was woken up to a loud buzzing sound coming from my phone I was so tired as expected I turned off my alarm and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and put the toothpaste on the brush and began scrubbing my teeth I went back into my room to change I got my green jacket and purple and white striped shirt on I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my beanie and grabbed my skateboard Gus probably left by now I quickly locked my door to my house and began skating to school I had to hurry since I ran a bit late I could finally see the outline of the school so I slowed down a bit when I got to the entrance of hexside I opened the doors and walked to my locker hey a familiar voice said behind me it was willow hey willow what's up I said nothing much I'm just really fucking tired she said same here right then she saw the green haired girl walk past them luz quickly ran after here hey amity oh hey luz I didn't see you there yah sorry about that I just wanted to talk to you since we haven't talked in awhile but we  should get to class I don't want to make you  late I said oh okay I will talk to you at lunch then amity took my hand and dragged me to class I started to blush once I noticed are fingers were entwined I quickly got the blush off my face and we were in the class room she let go which was sad but I went to my seat and I didn't even notice the teacher calling me I was to busy looking at amity "LUZ" the teacher said I quickly jumped up and said can you repeat that you need to focus luz it's fine just sit back down the teacher said I quickly sat back down and then the bell ringed class after class I couldn't pay attention all my brain was thinking of was amity it was finally lunch amity would wait for me at the entrance of the cafeteria so when I got there we quickly got are food and sat at a table ohh did you know that the new good witch azura book is coming out tomorrow yah I seen that I really wish I could get it hey what if I get and we can just read the book together yeah I would like that then we seen Gus and willow coming to our table I just love how amity always has a smile on her face when she talks about something she likes it cute luz thought "luz" amity said what yes I replied man you really need to focus class and know this yah  sorry I just zone out a lot
(Time skip after school)

I quickly skated back home cause Gus would take the car we both used since he woke up before and left before me I got inside and changed to my uniform for work than I quickly locked the house and ran to the coffee shop since it wasn't to far from my house I walked inside and I was greeted my eda and  king king was way younger than me he was 14 while I was 17 eda really didn't care how old you were if you were able to do simple tasks then you were hired today was slow surprisingly since it was a Friday there was a couple of people sitting at tables and some who grabbed there coffee and left then I noticed that same mint green hair I saw amity there and blushed which quickly went away oh hey luz I didn't know you worked here she said oh yah I just stared like to two weeks ago so you probably haven't seen me around a lot so what do you want to order just give me a iced coffee luz quickly made amity's coffee and gave it to her thank you she said no problem hey luz i forgot to to give this to you it's my phone number so just call me or text me whenever you get the book or want to hang out alright I have to leave now bye noceda bye blight a  quick laugh came from amity's mouth which made luz smile she turned around to be met by eda ummm hey eda who was the green haired kid you were talking to oh that's just my friend from school oh yah right just friends yep just friends you definitely have a thing for here and luz face stared to form a blush and what if I do it won't matter I know she doesn't like me back hey hey kid that kid definitely likes you I can just feel it you think so I know so and also you can leave now your done for the day alright bye eda        ———————————————————————————
Okay that was chapter two I couldn't find a way to end but here and yes I made luz the blushing tomato instead of amity anyways I don't know when the next chapter will come out so see you till then<3

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