Roster Page 13

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(13) Arthur

                       Arthur is an ex_LMS 2MT class 2-6-2t, designed by  H.G. Ivatt for mixed traffic duties. Arthur was built 1948, being given the number 41210 whilst under British Railways. For the first year of his life he would work on the smaller branch lines within the midland region, being auto-fitted he was essential for the passenger operations to run efficiently. The main problem however, was his introversion. Arthur had largely been an introvert in his early days and tended to not show interest in what the other engines were doing. And when the NWR came knocking for an engine to run trains on the Norramby branch, BR took their chance and dumped him off at barrow for the NWR to collect. For the first week he was on sodor, Arthur fell victim to tricks from Thomas and the trucks, but by the end of that week, he had proven a good fit for the branch in the end, and was sent off to receive a new livery. Arthur had arrived in BR lined black, but when receiving his new livery, he was given an LMS esque maroon with yellow lining, and the number 13 painted on his tanks. Arthur would spend his first week at Tidmouth MPD learning the ropes, but is now permanently allocated to Norramby MPD.

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