Roster Page 11

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(11) Oliver 

                       Oliver is an Ex-GWR Collett 14xx class 0-4-2T, (making him and duck cousins), he was built as an extra member of the class built near the end of 1936 for use on a small branchline in need of a commuter engine. In his early year o the branchline he was a rather cocky and jovial character, often rushing his work. But after nearly being replaced by a small prarie on commuter services, and with a little tutelage by a Fowler 3F, he matured into a hard working member of his class. However that would not save him when he was withdrawn from service, (this being because of his status as an extra and unnecessary member of the 14xx class), but he was given the idea of trying to escape by his autocoach Isabel, using a 'Toad' brakevan to help pose as a equipment move, they made their way halfway across the country before being caught somewhere near Preston, before being dragged to Barrow by a Black 5. Though this would've been the end, intervention from a certain Caledonian engine prevented that. Throughout his entire career, Oliver has worn a Great Western green livery, the only changes being yellow numbering, and new initials on his side tanks, (N.W.R). And for his new life on the North Western Railway, Oliver would be permanently assigned to  Arlesburgh MPD, serving as the little western's primary passenger engine.

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