Roster Page 12

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(12) Emily

                     Emily is an ex-GNR Ivatt D1/LNER Ivatt D2 class 4-4-0, designed by Henry A. Ivatt for high speed express services. Locomotive number 1322 was built in 1898 alongside early sibling 'No 1321'. However, 1322 wasn't the Emily we know now, but was actually a the few male D1 class 4-4-0's on the Great Northern Railway's network, as the majority were female. However, his career would come to an end after a devastating crash in 1901, the crash took place when 'No 1322' overran  a red signal and collided head long into the back of a coal train, the sheer force of the impact ripping the boiler clean out of it's position and impaling it onto a tree, effectively killing the original 'No 1322'. However, this would change when the late S&M railway, (prior to becoming apart of the NWR in 1913), requested to purchase one of their tried and tested 4-4-0's for express duties and the GNR, instead of sending an already intact member of the class,  decided to pawn the carcass of 'No 1322' off to the S&M, much to the shock of the S&M engines when their express engine arrived. But, with much hard work and care, they managed to repair the beaten up frames, and manufactured a new boiler at Crovan's Gate in 1906, and when the two pieces were united, 'Madame Emily' was born,(or rather reborn), into her role as the premier passenger engine of the S&M,(replacing their original number 4), and eventually the NWR, in her years. Throughout her lifetime Emily has always worn S&M lined green, with only small alterations such as the restyling of the lining and the appliance of an NWR number, that being the number 12. However she was fitted with a 3ft 5.5 inch smokebox in 1920 during an overhaul. Throughout her life on North Western metals, Emily would initially be allocated to Vicarstown MPD,  however she would be reallocated to Tidmouth MPD in 1925, and would briefly run the Kirk Ronan branch before the acquiring of a young ex-LNER Gresley V3 class tank engine came into play, she would find permanent allocation to Wellsworth MPD, assisting with the passenger services, constantly proving that 'There is no one quite like Emily'.

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