Roster Page 8

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(8) Duck

                            Duck is a GWR 54xx class 0-6-0PT designed by Charles Collett, the same man who designed Oliver, in 1930. Duck was in fact the second member of the class, being number 5401 from the initial batch of engines. After being built he was first sent to Westbury sheds, learning how to shunt and picking up "The Great Western Way" , although the process of learning the Great Western Way forced the young pannier to change himself in order to fit in with the other engines.  For the next 2 years he would work push pull trains out of Westbury, and take a temporary role as a pilot engine at Paddington, before being purchased by the NWR to take over trains on the Arlesburgh branch, (now the little western),following a fleet reshuffle, Duck would arrive in 1933 and man the Push-Pull shuttles on the branch, but in 1958 he would become a temporary helper at Tidmouth following one of the main shunters needing an overhaul, and from there the rest would become history. Duck hasn't had the same radical livery changes throughout his life that some of the other engines on the NWR have had, starting out in GWR green, he would retain the same shade of green throughout the rest of his life, though he would abandon the GWR logo and replace it with the  NWR's initials and number plates painted on his tanks and cab sides, with the mental scars from his old life heavily influencing the decision. . In terms of Allocation Duck's main allocation has been at Arlesburgh MPD, though he will sometimes stay at Tidmouth MPD to shunt the morning trains.

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