Episode 5: Wrath of a Showman part 1

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A week had passed since the battle against the Goblin had occurred. Crime in the city had mostly just been low level robberies that were easily taken out by the likes of Spider-Man or any other hero or heroes who came across them. However this story... this is a story where things once again started to go crazy in the life of TJ Trevors, known to Earth 5 as The Marvelous Spider-Man!!

This story begins on a Saturday morning, as TJ turns on the tv in his room to see if there was anything interesting to watch. That's when, much to his surprise, he came across his new boss, J Jonah Jameson, speaking on a morning talk show!
"So, Mr. Jameson, one thing I've noticed about your newspaper and the Bugle's Instagram page recently is the fact that it's been very focused on that new masked vigilante guy, Spider-Man. And what you've had to say about him hasn't been very good things. What is the main reason you hate Spider-Man?" The host of the talk show, a former actor by the name of Todd Jones asked.

"Well, Mr. Jones there are lots of reasons why I know that Spider-Man is a menace, but let's set up the ground work for it. First off, before there was Spider-Man, the Houston police department was the only ones responsible for taking out crime in our city. Sure, we occasionally had the X-Men or whatever step in... not that I condone their actions either... but for the most part, these heroes in uniform stopped dangerous criminals. Now we got even more dangerous criminals, downright super villains, showing up in our city and I believe that Spider-Man somehow attracts these whack jobs. Our brave police officers have procedures and public identities that keeps them in check, and whenever the line gets crossed the public is quick to flood social medias to call them out on it. Who keeps a guy like Spider-Man accountable for his actions? Children are the ones I'm most worried about. Children may try to imitate his fantastic feats! Think what would happen if they make a hero out of this lawless, inhuman monster! We must not permit it!" Jameson explained passionately.

"Even so, Mr

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"Even so, Mr. Jameson, the Spider-Man hasn't tried to hurt anyone. He has been helping the police catch criminals and..." Todd Jones was about to retort before Jameson cut him off.

"He has only been 'helping' the police to boost his own ego. Why else would he make such a flashy costume? It just screams, 'Look at me. I'm Spider-Man, and I'm the coolest guy ever!' If he wanted to be a real hero he'd drop that costume and become a real cop! Spider-Man isn't someone that can be kept accountable by anyone because no one knows who he is! He's a menace who has taken the law into his own hands and..." Jameson started to say before he sighed. He didn't want to look like a crazy conspiracy theorist on national television.

"And...?" Todd Jones asked cautiously, not wanting to try and bring out points against Jameson's argument if Jameson was just going to cut him off again.

"Vigilantism is illegal. All these crazy supposed super hero whack jobs are illegally using their powers and what does that teach our kids in the future? That, as long as they have special abilities, they can just see our laws as guidelines? No! No I say! I say that we drive Spider-Man and his fellow menaces out of the city... out of the state... out of..." Jameson started to speak passionately before he was cut off.

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