Trailer 1: Welcome to Earth 5

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"Hello Trish Talk fans... this is Trish Walker, here to talk about all of Houston's newest stories. And boy do we have a new story to talk about. News outlets everywhere are discussing the emergence of a new costumed figure swinging around our city, known as Spider-Man."

"Hey, Luke... you hear anything on the police scanners?" A voice asked as he swung from building to building. This was the colorful figure, Spider-Man.

"Yeah. There's a robbery at a Subway in Stan Lee Drive." Luke replied as Spider-Man started to make his way over there.

"Who the hell decides to rob a Subway?" Spider-Man asked in disbelief as he continued to swing through the city.

"This is Texas

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"This is Texas... weird stuff happens here all the time." Luke replied.

Luke Rojas in someone's living room with his laptop, talking into a headset with a microphone. On his laptop, he has gotten into the Houston Police Department's scanners on one tab, and on the other he sees what Spider-Man sees. Luke's phone buzzed. When Luke checked it, it was a reminder that his book report on Huckleberry Finn was due tomorrow.

"OH CRAP! I FORGOT ABOUT THE BOOK REPORT!" Luke yelled into the microphone.

Spider-Man narrowly managed to avoid slamming into a building as he reacted in shock to Luke yelling into the mic.
"Dude! You're mic is still on!" Spider-Man told him.

"Sorry, man. I totally forgot the book report on Huckleberry Finn is due tomorrow." Luke said.

"OH CRAP I FORGOT TOO!" Spider-Man yelled in horror. Spider-Man then shot his next web to swing from as he had realized he'd have to stop this robbery and get home quick! Spider-Man soon enough arrived at the Subway and casually walked inside.

"I SAID PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG!" The criminal said as he pointed a gun at the cashier. Suddenly a thwip sound is heard and the gun was pulled away from the thug by a white string. The criminal turned to see Spider-Man.

"Ah man... not the new hero guy." The thug complained before he was knocked out in one punch. Spider-Man looked at the cashier.

"You ok?" Spider-Man asked. The cashier nodded before Spider-Man's stomach growled.

"You gonna order... it's on the house, kid." The cashier replied. Spider-Man webbed the criminal and nodded.

Spider-Man soon exited the Subway and he pulled up a part of his mask ate his sandwich on the roof of a nearby building as the cops arrived and booked the robber. After finishing his meal, Spider-Man swung away and started to head home. He had a book report to finish fast. Suddenly he heard a police siren and looked to see a car fleeing from the police. Spider-Man sighed as he dove down to land on the car.

"Spider-Man, get out of here! We got this!" A cop in the police vehicle behind him said in the intercom. Luckily for Spider-Man one of the windows where down and Spider-Man got in the car.

"Hey." Spider-Man greeted the criminal. The criminal yelled as he hit the break and Spider-Man moved the steering wheel to make the guy safely stop on the side of the road.

"You ain't taking me in, Spider-Man." The criminal said before he was punched in the face and knocked unconscious.

"Sorry guy... kind of in a rush here." Spider-Man replied as he got out of the car and swung away. Spider-Man then started to swing away again. Hopefully there wouldn't be any more interruptions, and luckily there was not. Spider-Man climbed inside his apartment via the window in his room and he landed onto the ground. Spider-Man pulled off his mask to reveal a 15 year old boy with black hair and unusual gold eyes. Suddenly, the boy had a paper put in front of his face.

"I already gave Luke his... don't think I'm always going to do this for you two because you had to be a hero and he the tech guy... but I'm not exactly going to let you flunk either." A blonde haired girl said as she looked at him with light blue eyes. The boy chuckled.

"I totally could have got it done." The boy said. The girl chuckled.

"Maybe... but last time... you spent all your time making more web fluid that you forgot your math homework and Mr. Board was pissed. Let's not have a repeat of that with Ms. Cranston, ok TJ?" The girl said. The boy, now revealed to be TJ, nodded with a smile.

"Kim... thanks." TJ replied. Kim smiled.

"Well, somebody needs to save the hero. Now will you excuse me, I'm going to exit the room now so you can change into normal clothes and after you do that we can read over the report." Kim said. TJ then remembered he was still in his Spider-Man costume and nodded.

"I still think the web wings are kind of ridiculous." Luke told Kim after she exited his room.

"Are you still complaining about that part in my design?" Kim asked as TJ chuckled. It was a good thing his parents were at work and his sister was at their cousin's house studying for a test she had the next day.

"Ms. Trish... I am calling because just a little while ago, I was working at the Subway on Stan Lee Drive when some guy came in with a gun. The guy didn't even bother to wear a ski mask... but still decided to try to rob us anyway. But it didn't take long for Spider-Man to come to the rescue. I've been hearing lots of stories of Spidey helping people out around the city... and I totally believe them after today." The cashier from before told Trish. Trish smiled upon hearing that.

"Yet another story of how Spider-Man is looking out for the little guy here in our city. Could Spider-Man be a mutant? Why does he wear a mask? Does it matter? He uses his powers for the good of the people in this city, and he has my support. Keep up the good work, Spider-Man." Trish said.

"It appears the world is still stable... and the gems are still unfound. After the last incident concerning the gems' previous form... I thought putting it in that world was a risk." Madame Web said to a mysterious being. This being laughed.

"The fool Mysterio from your world had no idea of the price that comes with using that power... had the Spider-Men not defeated him in a timely manner... he would be stranded in the dark dimension now... but with the Tablet of Order and Chaos now split into the 7 Oracle Keys... gaining that power over reality should prove much harder than before." The being said.

"I certainly hope so." Madame Web replied as she watched the Spider-Man of Earth 5.

"Soon... his story will truly begin." The mysterious being said.

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