31= "Where are we?"

Start from the beginning

وَ ہُوَ الَّذِیۡ خَلَقَ الَّیۡلَ وَ النَّہَارَ وَ الشَّمۡسَ وَ الۡقَمَرَ ؕ کُلٌّ فِیۡ  فَلَکٍ یَّسۡبَحُوۡنَ ﴿۳۳﴾

" And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming. "

Ayat no. 33)

Shocking right? The discovery they made just recently was mentioned in Al-Qur'an FOURTEEN centuries ago!!

And don't say like then why don't they see this or turn to Islam. Then remember Allah Almighty Has already mentioned about them in Al-Quran, and don't forget that in the Akhirah you are not going to be questioned about anyone's Iman except yours. So turn to Allah before it's too late.
Because all the signs of Akhirah has come true. And we don't know when is the last minute of our life.

May Allah Almighty guide all of us to His Path, to The true path.

Now to the story

Chapter no. 31= "Where are we..?"


I'd really recommend you to read the next chapter's end to get a replay so you don't get confused or anything like that)

Please vote and comment, it's a huge source of motivation for me! I really hope that you like it!




"Abdul, wake up, it's been too long".

"Abdul I am not kidding if you don't wake up, I.. I.."

"Badr", another voice said.

"No sir, I won't tolerate anymore. He is not waking up, does this idiot know how much he is scaring me!".

"Who did you call idiot?", said AbdulWadood in a hoarse voice. His eyes were still closed- with diziness- but he could hear the faint conversation they were having.

"Abdul! You finally woke up. You! You are an idiot"- Badr said, his voice filled with emotions- "Do you know how much you scared me and sir. He was literally shaking when he saw you like this. I so wish I could hug you right now".

"And why can't you hug me?", said AbdulWadood still in hoarse voice slowly getting his consciousness back.

"In all that long sentence, you heard that? I didn't know you were that fond of my hugs, Abdul, eh?", Badr said in a teasing voice wriggling his eyebrows causing Mr. Adam to laugh loudly at their tactics.

AbdulWadood frowned and lifted his hand to rub his eyes, but his frown got deeper when he felt that he couldn't move his hands.

His felt shocked- when he felt that he couldn't move his hands nor his feet at all. It was like something was holding them back. What happened? Was there something in the injection that caused his limbs to react like that?

But when his eyes opened, he was more than shocked.
In front of him he saw an old rusty door, with thick layers of dust- instead every wall of the room along with few furniture was covered with dust. Infact, in the name of furniture there was only a table- an expensive hat layered with dust, a read huge button and some tools that seemed like torture tools were placed on that table.

AbdulWadood again tried to move his limbs and looked behind him with wide eyes- that his wrists and ankles were locked with iron chains. He tried moving it, causing the clashing of iron to echo in the room.

It Started with a Hijabi's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now