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73. Snatched Back to Lair

What happened next was not the common scene found in novels, movies or TV shows, that dramatic clichéd scene were the two protagonists would comfort each other to the bed.

Because QiYao thought that act would be taking advantage of XiaoYu, it'd be like robbing someone while their house was on fire, especially since his XiaoYu was still a rather naive kid. He was easily embarrassed by anything regarding emotions or relationships. He needed to be slowly guided to such acts.

"Sorry. I dirtied your shirt." After a long time, XiaoYu could finally wrestle his emotions back into control. However, he still didn't dare to look up. His eyes must look like the eyes of a certain long-eared animal right now.

"It's fine." QiYao lightly patted the head buried in his embrace. If XiaoYu knew the shirt he'd cried all over on cost a few thousand Earth Dollars, who knew how this stubborn little guy would beat himself over for that.

"I'll help you wash it."

"Hehe. XiaoYu, do you plan on making me head out shirtless in a jacket like some middle-aged man?"


"You can help me wash it next time."

"Oh," XiaoYu dazedly replied. He couldn't think of any other solutions off the top of his head. He also didn't realise the question hidden within QiYao's statement.

"XiaoYu, can I come over tomorrow?"

"Yeah, you can."

"But I have to head into office during the day. I'll only be able to come over in the evening. Do you know how to cook red-braised pork?"

"Okay...yes?" XiaoYu found it a little hard to keep up with QiYao's train of thought. Why were they talking about food all of a sudden? "I know how to cook that," he said.

"I would to eat red-braised pork cooked by you tomorrow."

"Okay. Anything else you'd like to eat?"

"Not for now. If anything pops into my mind, I'll tell you."


"XiaoYu, what if you spoil my stomach? What if I can never eat food cooked by anyone else again? What then?"

"Uh...I'm not that amazing. They're just ordinary home-cooked dishes."

"The taste of home is more than enough. My parents are always working overseas. It's been so long since anyone cooked for me."

"..." Perhaps QiYao was a lonely man too, a voice in XiaoYu whispered.

"Hey, XiaoYu," QiYao called. A thought suddenly popped up in his mind.


"Let's live together."

"Huh?" XiaoYu didn't know what to say to that.

"That way we can take care of each other. Or do you mean to say you'd prefer me running back and forth?"

"But..." XiaoYu replied, shaking his head. "I don't know where we should stay?"

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