"Tenko's body?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Never found. Since he was about 4, we kinda assumed he died since nobody found him and he was too young to take care of himself right. *sigh* If only I knew. Maybe I could've stopped and fixed Tenko's path before it went to this."

Toshi gave a pat on his mother's shoulder as a bit of reassurance. "Your brother didn't want you in his life, there's no way you could've known or done something about this. We're where we are right now, but we've avoided a worst outcome with Tenko being forced to fight us thanks to Izuku's quick thinking."

Nana nodded in understanding there could've been a worse outcome where they had to have done the unthinkable with Tenko or he would do the unthinkable to his remaining family. "Getting back on track, I'd like to ask you a little of what you know in regards to the attack that happened at the training camp." Tsukiuchi asked Izuku for him to remember everything about it he could think of. "From what I remember, a large portion of villains they used were middle tier villains this round, not as powerful in the underworld as you'd expect but still stronger than the back alley criminals that were in the USJ attack.The strongest there was Muscular and Moonfish who the latter was captured."

"And the other was turned to crispy bacon by you." Izuku laughed a bit at Nana's comment.

"That would explain the red lightning I saw from between the trees. What would have gotten you so mad to the point your lightning turns Red?" Aizawa asks, walking into the room.

"... He was a serial hero killer having killed the pro hero team of Water Hose as well as hundreds of civilians and heroes alike. When I disintegrated Overhaul the lightning was it's normal whitish blue color but that was in self defense, this was an execution."

"That's an understatement. With how burnt he looks, it looks as if you poured enough electricity to kill the entire human race into that one poor sod. He won't be missed."

"Getting back on what I could remember from the night, AFO wanted me and was also taking the pro hero Ragdoll. I stopped him, but I couldn't actually beat him per say."

Toshi came forward with Toseki gumming his finger before asking. "What do you mean?"

"I only succeeded in pushing him away because of him having some difficulties. He said I was the only One for All user that has ever succeeded in giving him an actual heart attack. I hit him directly in the chest with a bolt of lightning when he was monologuing so that might have caused it. He did also have an electricity quirk, but it was a repulsion effect and not an emitter."

Hearing this, Nana gripped her fist in anger. "The son of a bitch. Using my husband's quirk on My son." One For All coursed through Nana for sparks to come out of her in anger. She calmed down a bit before getting her power under control. "Anyway, AFO underestimated you last time. I doubt he's gonna think so lightly about you again and treat you as an actual threat."

"Regardless of this, the Hero's Commission is initiating a raid on two locations. One from where one of your classmates had attached a transmitter on a Nomu that ran rampant in the camp, and a second being a place we believe is the League's official hideout, we had an informant on the inside and he helped attack your training camp. The Commission also wants you to be leading the charge for the one on the Nomu factory. Chances are high that AFO will be here and we'll need someone that beat him once there. Meanwhile, Paragon and All Might will lead the charge at the League's hideout. The infiltrator said that there will be a meeting with them on how to break Shigaraki out of prison in two days during the evening. We also plan to give a conference on the ordeals of the attack during this to throw the villains off guard."

"Sounds like it'll work, but who's the informant so we know not to be as rough with them?"

Tsukiuchi tossed a file over to show a man covered in scars with white hair. "His name is the cremation hero: Sekitangara. He's the first double agent class hero that the Commission has trained and approved of. Not only that."

"He is Endeavor's oldest son. Under the villain alious: Dabi." Aizawa added for them to look at him. "I fought a clone of him before. Crazy firepower like that has to be related to a pro with similar strength. Not only that, but he gave me a file with a second clone that attacked stating that this was their information as well as everything he had on AFO's allies and the underworld factions. This took him nearly his entire career startin almost a decade ago to collect. But we'll be able to take out several members of underground villain groups as well as the League very quickly that are slowly coming back into power."

Izuku nodded seeing the information about the raid. "This is good. We might actually win this. But I do have a question, why separate me and my family?"

"This is a precaution. If by some chance we can't collect AFO after this, we need to make sure our agent can stay in the League in case the worst outcome happens."

The dark haired electric quirk user nodded. "Alright. Just tell me what I need and I'll get that done by the mission."

"I'll send a list of information to Nezu where you need to go. For now, just keep this a secret from everyone until the raid starts. Just as we have an eye and ear in the League, AFO could just as easily have one or two in this school."

"Understood." The meeting between the group ended with Izuku heading back to Ochako and Momo. As he did, his mind kept focused on the matter at hand. 'This ends now AFO. I'm going to show you that the next generation of heroes will put an end to your cycle soon enough.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the raid on Kamino next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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