X. Fireflies Gravekeeper

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The sun illuminated the valley

Sparkling light across the dew drops.

The wind gently swept up the grains of wheat

Tickling my bare legs.

The sunshine peeked its beady eyes through the trees

Creating a crazed pattern over all the greenery.

As I stride forward, through the golden fields

Distant chirping, lit up my ears

The forest felt so old and senile

Much like myself.

The tree bark felt rough, yet flaky

Crumbling into my wrinkled palm.

As I reached the halfway point

I could see the ever aggressive river.

It's roaring waters fly down the hill

Crashing into the rocks below

Along with the towering, yet graceful elks

I tread across the river.

As I looked to my left and right

They all smiled, and said goodbye.

With the final stretch approaching

I braced my bones, and strode forward.

The frigid winds knocked me back

Along this wavy and windy path.

I couldn't give up

For I needed to see you, one last time.

As the summit approached

The moonlight enchanted your field.

My eyes were getting blurry

And my balance was breaking.

I reached my hand out

And felt your stone palm against mine.

It was then I realized

You were never alone.

As the shimmering fireflies

Kept your stone. 

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