He loosened his grip on her and allowed the cup and a dagger to materialize in his hands. Her eyes bulged out at the sight of the dagger.
"T-t-that d-d-dagger." She muttered feeling some kind of connection and familiarity with the dagger.
"There are only three of this daggers existing in the world today. I am lucky to possess one and I found it at the right time. "He said with a wicked grin
" I am wasting too much time and I was right. He hasn't come to save you. " He laughed hard.
" Don't. Please don't. You're making a mistake." She muttered several times as her body felt paralyzed she couldn't move, it felt as though she was screaming but she wasn't. She felt spellbound . Intense fear gripped her and then.......

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" She screamed back into reality.
"Oh my dear!" A woman in her mid fifties exclaimed, she wore a white apron over a three quarter blue gown. grey and brown hair equally filled her head.She dropped the tray containing a cup of coffee and a plate of muffins.
Gina clutched the neck of her dress exhaling deeply. She noticed the woman standing in the room, she looked at the woman then her eyes surveyed the room. The room was faintly bright just like the one in her dream, she was glad to not be in the same room as the one in her dream. It had dull interior as well,black and silver curtains were used to block the sunshine from fully entering the room. The room was painted grey and it was quite large for just one person.

The quilted bedspread was cream in colour every design in that room was of silver and black colours.
Gina's hands shakily moved to her lips to realize that it was actually bleeding.
"Are you alright?" The woman asked in a concerned tone.
Gina saw the concern in her eyes as she sat down on the bed and placed her hand in her right shoulder. Gina didn't recede from the woman instead she suddenly embraced her.
"Oh!" The woman chuckled as she patted her shoulder." It'll be fine my dear, you'll be fine. We all have nightmares once in a while. You're not alone."

A tear drop fell from the corner of Gina's eyes, she tightened her grip on the woman. She had no idea why but she felt comfortable and secure with the woman just like she did with her mother. Gina slowly pulled away from her embrace.
" Not when the nightmares are reoccurring."She said with a bitter smile.
" What is dear? What did you dream about?" The woman asked
" You wouldn't believe it if I told you but firstly why am I here?" Gina asked the woman recollecting last night's event.

" Aiden brought you here." She replied with a smile,she stood up to get the coffee.
" Some coffee?" She offered her
"On second thoughts I prefer you have the muffins, the coffee must have gotten cold." She added
" Thank you ma'am" Gina said with a smile
" Call me Sylvia." Sylvia told her.
"They smell heavenly,you must love baking" Gina told the woman.

"You haven't tasted them yet and you're already complimenting my baking skills." Sylvia let out a chuckle.
" I haven't brushed this morning" Gina smiled
"May I escort you to the bathroom then dear?" Sylvia asked her
" Hmmm, never mind that." She said
"Why did he bring me here?" Gina asked
"I do not know, you were unconscious when he brought you here." Sylvia told her.

" I have never seen him so worried, he was only calm when Alycia said you'll be awake soon." Sylvia told her
" Alycia is our family doctor." Sylvia added noticing the confusion on Gina's face.
"You haven't told me your name my dear."
"Arielle." Gina said
"Your muffins taste absolutely great even almost better than my mother's."

" You miss your mother don't you?" Sylvia said noticing Gina's sudden gloomy expression.
" Very much." Gina replied
"Where is she?" Sylvia asked
" In heaven. I hope." Gina chuckled.
"I'm sorry." Sylvia said
"Oh no! You shouldn't be saying sorry" Gina smiled
"The room is a bit too dark." Gina said.
" Sorry Aiden isn't a fan of bright places or colours." Sylvia said opening the curtains
Gina's eyes lit up seeing rays of sunshine.
"The sun seems happy today."
Sylvia said
"Indeed." Gina replied

" You seem lovely unlike Aiden's usual poker face. No wonder his face or attitude is never bright he doesn't like the light anyway." Gina added.
" He might seem dour or a bit sour but he a kind and loving person trust me."
"The only reason I'm buying that is because your muffins taste great." Gina said taking another bite.
" Is he your son? grandson?" Gina asked

" I didn't bring him into this world but he is my son." Sylvia said with a smile and Gina smiled back.
"I almost forgot he asked me to inform you first thing when you wake up." Sylvia told her.
" Oh!"
Gina stood up from the bed. It was only then that she realized she was wearing a different cloth from what she wore the previous night. She was wearing a light blue velvet dress that barely reached her knees.

Sylvia noticed Gina looked a bit startled.
" Do you like the dress? I felt that dress was to heavy and suffocating, well actually Aiden suggested that we changed you into something free and light and don't worry I am the one who changed you. "
Sylvia opened the door of the room to she could take Gina to Aiden.
sorry I wanted to write more and make this chapter long but I came down with a terrible fever this week and I couldn't even eat well(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ well thumbs up to myself cause I am proud of this chapter. Sylvia seems nice right? And I already love her. I've been thinking what should I address Gina as do you prefer Arielle or Gina? Can you believe I spelt Sylvia as slyvia thank God for auto correct and Google.

*Twerks* because I'm already loving my book.
I'll update tomorrow cause I promised two chapters per week.
Do you know what can make me feel a lot better. Do you? Do you?
Well it's sharing my book to your friends and pressing the little star button to vote.
I'm so hungry right now. I wonder what Sylvia's Muffin would taste like。:゚(;'∩';)゚:。 I want muffins (╯︵╰,).

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