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      I will be narrating from the first person point of narration or view so grab your pop corn and enjoy, sorry the chapters will be short but part 2 will certainly interest you more. And the chapters will be longer(•‿•)After you're done reading this please comment to tell me what you think and vote as well.XOXO^_^

          The Ray from the sun almost blinded me as I opened my eyes. It was morning and I had school

"oh no".
I said to myself, I was never late. I looked left, laying next to me was Alex .

"No way" I muttered. I slapped Myself repeatedly, after hitting myself it occurred to me that we were both naked .

         Alex was my crush, no I was crazy when it came to him. I had been trying to get him to notice me, to get his attention and now he was laying next to me.

Ahh yes I remember, it feels like it was just yesterday. Now let me go to the part where it all begun.

          Alice was my best friend we had been friends since forever Although we were so different the little things we had in common made us closer. Our mothers grew up together and got married on the same day even though they weren't twins, though Alice was born a year before I was, it felt like we were born the same day because we acted like twins.

            Her parents were out of town. oh! lest I forget. They were super rich, extremely wealthy my parents had assets but yet it wasn't up to what they had.

             My mother was found of Alice. I often got jealous because she pays  so much attention to her whenever she visits ' she looks just like her mother,it gets even better as she grows ' she'd say that whenever we all got involved in a conversation.

             I lied saying we had exams and we needed to study. I was allowed to sleep over at Alice's place after all it was considered normal for teens to lie, huh it's called rebellion. I guess. I was fitting well into the teen rebel gang ^_^.

          It was fun, the popular kids, average kids, silly kids were all invited. We were young and  we decided to rock our youthfulness, I was dared to consume liquor. It was quite an amount as I was asked to gulp down an entire bottle or lick the toilet seat no one was an exception when it came to dares and I guess it was foolish for me to act wild and bold that night.   

        Well then what was the worst thing that could happen. I acted all big because well I never attended much parties my father wanted me to do nothing but study, study hard so one day I could take over the business as I was their only child. Since Alice was my friend and I kept missing her parties because I was shy and nervous about making a fool of myself.

I decide to attend this one because I couldn't just miss it, we had only a year to go and we would be out of high school. I thought of boosting my social status before then . 

           Alex was there, not that he hadn't been there in the previous ones but I thought why not. I finished the bottle of alcohol and got lots of cheers. It was one of the happiest moments of my little sad boring life. I got to act social, since that was the definition of being social according to my friends. (^^)



Okay so I know this chapter is really short but I don't want to make my chapters too long and boring. From my research I've realized most readers don't like something too long. It bores them and for those who do. It might make you want to, move to the next chapter, please don't forget to vote...very important. (θ‿θ)
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Prison Of EmptinessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz