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[A/N: I'm dedicating this chapter to butterfly_zoe for providing the picture of that awesome dagger and friend of mine although he doesn't read.]

Everyone including those captured in the moment turned their attention to Gina when they heard Jaxon exclaim her name.

She felt a sleek finger brush her cheeks, she could sense someone hovering over her. Her eyes fluttered open to meet a pair of dull sea green eyes staring at her.
She sat on the bed slightly drifting away from him.

She looked around and realized she was in an unfamiliar place with very dull interior.
"Do not run. I have been waiting for this moment for ages, you smell delightful my lady. " The man grinned.
" Who are you? "
" Let me go right now! " She exclaimed.

He sat down the bed without averting his gaze from her. His gaze moved from her blue eyes to her lips, to her arms and fingers. Lust filled his eyes.
"You are indeed beautiful, I see what he sees in you now. That blanket doesn't suit you, take it off so that I may gaze on your beauty to my satisfaction. "

She moved away from him as he came closer. Every hair on her skin stood alert as she became frantic. She was at the edge of the bed when she realized there was no space left for her continuous shifting she decided to make a run for it.

She gasped as he grabbed her arm, a menacing look appeared on his face.
" Do not be scared, I am not here to harm you, but I will if you choose to defy me. "
She yanked his arm off and briskly ran , she noticed that the room was bigger than she thought, it was hard to locate the exit. As she ran complete darkness surrounded her.

He appeared before her. There was only a small piece of black clothing around his waist, he had Gilt jewelry to adorn his body,his long black hair hanged almost around his waist and he wore a sandal with black ropes tied almost around his knee cap. His fair skin became more pale as he approached her.
"You cannot run from me." His voice echoed in the room.
"And you won't get what you want from me, let me go or.."
"Or else what? He will not come to save you" he cut her in.

With every step he took closer to her, the more she made an attempt to step back from him.
Her back hit a wall as she muttered curses realizing she had hit a dead end.
A step more was all that was needed to breach the gap between them.

"W-w-who are you?" She asked shakily
"A well wisher." He whispered softly info her ears.
A golden cup appeared in his hands.
"Usually I don't ask for favours but I am doing that today."
"I cannot help you without knowing what I have to do. " She replied bluntly
" I only need a cup full of your blood, it is important for me to drink it. "

" You must be stupid to think I'd let you drink my blood. "She said gulping her saliva
" I thought you'd be wise based on what I've heard about you, you're an immortal even if I take all your blood you'll live. " The cup disappeared in his hands and his pressed his fingers hard against her cheeks.
"I only wanted to honor you by asking only because your beauty enticed me. But you're not worthy of it. I shall take your blood whether you allow me to or not. "

One of his long sharp nails pierced her lips. His dull eyes brightened at the sight of her blood.
"Let. Me. Go!" She yelled struggling to get his fingers off her cheeks
"Stop resisting you puny human. " He glared at her, his green eyes turned dark, his fangs grew."
She felt numb, her brain was frozen she couldn't tell whether it was the fear or she was spellbound.

He brought out his tongue and licked the blood on her lips. He closed his eyes as if he was savouring the taste of her blood. His eyes shot open
"Life is unfair to me and destiny is cruel as well, fate doesn't spare a chance to humiliate me. How can the blood of of a mere human who's immortality can be taken away from at anytime make me feel so powerful. What sorcery is this? You are indeed special. "

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