
I push away the sadness building up inside me and try to gather more information about Y/n, because it's just not possible for him to disappear without anyone remembering. "Steve...." I whisper to myself, before running to his room. "ROGERS!" I shout, aggressively knocking as well. As I expected, after I knocked 3 times, it opened and I was met with his tall figure.

"Yes?" He asks, "Do you know where Y/n is" I reply, still trying to keep my anger and sadness aside, but I was already struggling. It's not so easy hiding the tears and the feeling of missing someone who wasn't real. "Who's Y/n?" Steve asks again. "Bullshit. You know who Y/n is" I state, slamming my fist on his door. My voice stern and low.

He seemed to be slightly intimidated, he back off the door a little when I slammed my fist. "I promise you, I have no idea who Y/n is" He states once more. I back off and place my hands on my waist, roughly wiping down my face with my hand.  I shout in anger. "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Steve's door was already closed, but his shadow was still visible in the small gap under the door.

"This cant be happening. THIS CANT BE FUCKING HAPPENING" I state to myself, before running to Wanda. While I ran, I knew that she wouldn't lie to me. After everything we've been through. She'd never lie to me.

I arrived to her door shortly after I started running. I knock calmly, letting out a big sigh, but before I even started talking. She already opened the door. "What is it Pietro" she asks. The look of distraught on my face was enough for her to get the clues. She read my mind, and she looked at me with confusion. "Y/n?" She asks, and for a second. Just for a second, a droplet of joy landed on me. But as much as I wanted it to stay, she said, "Who's he?" She states.

And just like that, the sadness and anger came back. "Is he your crush" She states jokingly, nudging my arm. "No, he's my fiancé" I state, my tone saddened. "Yeah right, if you were dating anyone, I would've know about it." She states more, giggling, "It's too early for your pranks, go back to bed or get breakfast Pietro." She states once more, before she closes the door. I turn my back on the wall, leaning of it, and sliding down, having a seat on the floor.

my eyes started to tear up. My eyes got heavy. "What's.... happening" I state to myself as I cry silently. I look at my hand and see that even the ring is gone.

"Goddamn everything....." I state as I clutch my hand into a fist. My life was a lie...........I close my eyes. Hoping to see him when I opened them again. But I didn't. Everything was a lie. I close my eyes once more, just crying by myself while I take in the sad truth of my life.

"God fucking damn it....." I curse to myself as I kept on crying. Not even caring that I was in the middle of the hallway.


The time I spent there was unknown to me. I just sat there. My hands on my eyes. The tears falling down each eye.

But when my eyes opened, I was already somewhere else. It was dark, empty, no lights, just an endless void of nothingness, "Where....am I...?" I ask to myself, walking around, I had no idea where this was, or what it was. "Am I...dead..." I state to myself once more, but a strong light that shone behind me caught my attention. It was really bright, I had to use my hand and squint just to be able to walk towards it.

But it wasn't enough. So I closed my eyes and let my hand tell me what was ahead. I was walking for a while, or at least it felt like it. But it slowly started to feel like I was laying down, and my hand touched something, I had no idea what it was, but it was soft and warm, I held it and took a peek.

There was still light that shone in my eyes, but it was less of an eyesore than the other one, I slowly opened my eyes and squinted. I looked around, and it was one of the rooms in the infirmary back at the tower. There were tubes, connected to the side of the bed I was laying in, and a tube connected to my arm. Bandages wrapped around my whole torso.

Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now