Hot day.

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~Dedicated to Miyu-cchi~
~Requested by Miyu-cchi~



"(Name)! It's hot! Have you turned on the air conditioner?" Juuzou hollered even though I was next to him.

"Yes,Juuzou I did. Are you still hot?" I asked while I fanned myself with a nearby magazine.

He already had his shirt off, I wasn't gonna let him strip down to his undergarments.

"Yeah! Can we go to the beach or something? Please?" He begged.

Oh, I haven't thought of that...why not?

"Sure. Do you have a bathing suit? Like shorts or something?" I asked him. I have already gotten up & scavenged for my bathing suit. Juuzou followed behind.

"Um...nope! I'm sure you have something I can wear,(Name)-chan." He rummaged through my wardrobe too.

[Option One]
We finally found shorts for Juuzou & I found my (one piece/two piece) swimsuit. I also grabbed a loose shirt & a pair of shorts to put on top of my swimsuit.

[Option Two]
I gave Juuzou a pair of shorts. I put on a tank top/shirt & shorts. Simple~

"Hey, Juuzou aren't you gonna have to remove your stitches? They bulge underwater, right?" I asked.

He had a frown on his face,"Oh you're right...okay. Let me grab the scissors."

"Okay,I'm gonna change. So don't come in here." I warned him in a murderous tone.

He trembles slightly & nods.


We finally make our way to the beach.

Juuzou was wearing a big sunhat, sunglasses, sandals, & his suspenders which held up his shorts. I wore [Option One/Option Two].

I placed down the long fluffy towel onto the sand. I pulled the sunscreen out of my bag.

"Juuzou! Lye down, I have to apply the sunscreen on you. You wouldn't want to burn & turn into a tomato!" I tell him.

Juuzou does as I say. He starts to laugh the moment I touch him,"That tickles,(Name)-chan/kun! Haha!"

I giggle,"Hehe, stop squirming around!"

After I finished applying the sunscreen on Juuzou, I put some on myself.

"(Name)-chan, do you need help?" Juuzou asks grinning.

I reply,"Yeah, can you put some on my back please?"

He nods happily,"Mm-hm!"

Few seconds passed & Juuzou continues to trace his finger against my skin. I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable...

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked a bit uneasy.

"I never knew (Name)-chan/kun had such soft skin! It would be great for stitching!" He exclaimed excited.

I sweat dropped,"Really?"



"I'm gonna go swim now,(Name)! Come on!" He pulls me towards the water.

"Hey wait! I have to remove my clothes/shirt first. Don't look!" I yelled blushing a bit.

[Option One]
I strip down into my (one piece/two piece) swimsuit. I earned a few glances from not only males but also females.

[Option Two]
I remove my shirt to reveal my torso/bikini underneath, but I leave my shorts on. Obviously. I seem to have caught some people's attention.

They seem to admire my figure, but I think I'm just an average girl/boy/person.

Juuzou's eyes sparkle,"Ooh,(Name)-chan/kun! You just have to let me stitch you, you'll look even more gorgeous!"

I shyly look away,"Juuzou..." I then realize what he said,"Hey,I won't let you touch me with a needle!"

He laughs & drags me into the water. He starts splashing me, so I splash him back. We got bored after a while, so we got out.

We went to a nearby food stand. Juuzou & I got a popsicle. The ones that you can break apart & share with someone.

Now that I noticed he did look a bit different without stitches. Not that it was bad. He's always looked angelic in my eyes.



He shivers,"I'm cold..."

Sigh, well it is getting dark.
"Let's go home,Juuzou." I took his hand.

I looked at him,"Did you enjoy yourself,Juuzou?"

He nods smiling,"Yup! I like spending time with you,(Name)-chan/kun." He says silently.

"Me too,Juuzou." I hold onto his hand tighter,"Let's get home quickly. I don't want to run into any ghouls on the way."

"I still have Scorpion on me, I'll protect you!" He exclaims proudly.

"I know!"

We got home safely & thankfully the next day wasn't as hot. I hope Juuzou & I can go out like this another day.


Meh._.' I'm not great with a beach setting,but I tried.

I hope you at least enjoyed it.^~^

Suzuya Juuzou x Reader One-Shots *COMPLETE*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें