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You will be Shinohara-san's child. 'Kay? 'Kay!


I'm in the academy training to become a ghoul investigater, like my father. After watching my best friend get eaten in front of me, I immediately asked for father's permission to enroll in the academy. I just couldn't stand watching the people I care about die.

A new student was present. I kept hearing rumors that he was kidnapped & raised by a ghoul. I wondered if it was true...

I decided to ask dad, "Father do you know the new student who enrolled in the academy?"

He looked over at me,"Oh, I don't know his name yet. He's actually going to be my partner."

I was surprised,"Really? But it hasn't been long since he's arrived."

"Well he's a special case,(y/n). Don't worry about it." He replied smiling.

I mumbled,"Okay."

"Would you like to meet him? I have to tell him the news." He asks.

"Hm, sure why not? Maybe he can be my friend." I replied grinning.
I knew father didn't like me getting close to boys, which is why I teased him a little.

"A friend only. Got it?" He says sternly.

I raised my hand towards my forehead,"Aye aye, captain!"

He chuckled,"Okay,let's get going."

On the way I asked him,"Was he raised by a ghoul?" Looking up at him.

He seemed hesitate,"Yes, he was. But I consider him a victim,it's not his fault."

I blinked,"Oh,ok I was just curious."

He simply nods,"There he is, now try not to be so rude."

"What do you mean 'rude', I'm friendly!" I countered.

"Yeah yeah."

We walked up to the boy. "Hello, I'm Shinohara Yukinori. I'll be working with you starting today. What's your name?"

He hesitated,"Suzuya...Juuzou."

"Well,Suzuya I hope we can get along," he put his hand forward, but it caused Suzuya to jump back a bit.Suzuya looked at his hand then at father's & gently shook it.

"This is my son/daughter/child, Shinohara (y/n). They're/He/She's a student at the academy."

I waved towards him,"Nice to meet you,Suzuya. You can just call me (y/n)."

"Hello, (y/n)" he copied dad & put his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand.

I smiled gently at him,"I hope we can be friends."

He looked confused,"Friends? What's that?"

Dad spoke,"It means that you'll look out for each other, be honest, & get along something like that."

Suzuya still seemed slightly confused,but nodded.

I looked down at my watch,"I have to get going, I promised a friend that I'll go eat lunch with them."

"Okay,go on ahead. But don't stay out too late." Dad cautioned me.

"Don't worry,I'll be fine. See ya guys!" I ran off.

Suzuya simply waved goodbye.


I saw my friend up ahead,waiting for me. He was in front of a coffee shop called Anteiku.

"Hey, Kiyoshi! Sorry I'm late, I was busy." I apologized.

"It's alright, I wasn't here too long anyway." He replied.

We entered the shop & sat near a window,looking at the menu. While looking around the shop, I saw a familiar face right outside the window, almost startling me.

It was Suzuya...stare~

"What are you looking a- oh him." Kiyoshi didn't seem to like Suzuya.

"Yeah,I met him earlier. What about him?" I questioned.

Kiyoshi at me straight in the eye,"Don't go near him,he's dangerous. You know he was raised by a ghoul,right?"

"I actually wasn't sure, but I think he's just misunderstood. It's not his fault..." Remembering father's words.

"Tch whatever. What are you gonna order?" He asked.

I was zoning out still looking out the window. Suzuya was kneeling down,staring up at me with his big eyes. I smiled & waved at him,but when I did he quickly hid. Sigh~

After we finished eating,I bought more sandwiches from the shop; they were too good! When we got out the store Suzuya was nowhere to be found.

Kiyoshi was walking me home until he pulled me into an alleyway. He quickly covered my mouth, I noticed his eyes were those of a ghoul. Was I going to die?

"Sorry (y/n),but looks like your time has come to an end." He chuckled.

"You're wrong..." That voice sounded familiar.

I saw Suzuya jump out & distracting him while Father attacked Kiyoshi from behind, dodging his kagune. Not long after he was on the ground dead.

Father looked at me disappointed,"I told you I didn't trust him. Next time just do as I say."

I looked down,"Sorry father...& thanks. You too Suzuya."

"Yup!" Suzuya replies a bit happy,
"Shinohara-san said we have to look out for each other,right?"

Father smiled,"Thank you Suzuya for watching them."

I was shocked,"You told him to spy on me!?"

"No, he just remembered what I said earlier about friends."

"That's sweet! Oh,I bought sandwiches, we can share them if ya want!" I said grinning.

"Oh oh oh! I want some!" Suzuya exclaimed.

"Okay, let's go home & eat them."I said.

As we walked home Suzuya & I chatted. At the corner of my eye I noticed father smiling at us, I smiled back.


Meh...not my best one, but whatevs. Still felt like publishing because it would've been a waste of time...

I still hope you enjoyed!
○( ^皿^)っ

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