Much sweeter~

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Juuzou & I have been a couple for a while now. He had a day off of work,so we went out to get ice cream. Don't judge me! He was practically begging for it.

We walked through the front door of the ice cream store. I saw the excitement in Juuzou's eyes.

"Yay! We're here! What are you going to get (Y/N)-chan/kun?"He asked,looking down at me.

"Hm,not sure. You?" I replied, smiling towards him.

"I don't know, there's too many flavors to choose from!" He exclaims with his hands pressed against the glass,staring at all the flavors.

I giggled at him.

"Sorry, we've run out of cones, but you can share a sundae if you'd like." The man at the counter asks me.


Juuzou cut me off,"A sundae,please! That is if you don't mind, (Y/N)-chan/kun..."he had a smile on his face.

"Of course not!" He's so cute!

We got three scoops of strawberry,vanilla, & chocolate. We sat down somewhere in the back of the store, there were barely any customers anyway.

"It looks delicious~!" Juuzou was swaying back & forth.

"Mm-hm!" Agreeing with him.

We grabbed our spoons & dug into the ice cream. I was only able to eat half because I got full. So I gave the rest to Juuzou.

After a minute of observing the small store, I noticed bright red orbs staring into my (e/c) ones. It made me jump,seeing Juuzou's blank face staring at my startled one. It was starting to make me uncomfortable.

" something wrong, Juuzou-kun? You keep staring at me..."I shyly looked down at my lap,twiddling my thumbs.

He laughed,"You have a little ice cream there," pointing at the corner of my mouth,"don't worry,I'll take care of it~."

Juuzou leaned over to me across the small table. He licked it off, then gave me a small peck on the lips. My face was flushed red.

He giggled,"It tastes much sweeter on your lips~hehe!"

I exclaimed,"Suzuya! You can't just do that!" I hid my face behind my hands.

"Haha! Your so cute,(Y/N)-chan/kun!" He was grinning cheek to cheek. He then went back to finishing his ice cream.

How embarrassing. I'll be sure to wipe my mouth off next time...though I wouldn't mind kissing him again.


Suzuya Juuzou x Reader One-Shots *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now