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Emily's POV

I'm currently sitting on the bench in the kitchen while Ben is having a look at my arm... to be honest it was nice that someone cared but also I don't want him or vinnie anywhere near me, they put me and Gabbey in danger.

"I can't believe you guys" I snark
"What" Ben replies

I just ignore hit like seriously I have every right to be mad. We are in complete danger it's so bad!

" I've patched up your arm, it's looking good now" Ben says with a smile

"Thanks" I reply I hop off the kitchen bench and head to the couch, I lay down and fall asleep....

/ Gabbey's pov \

At this point in so confused
"So your telling me, this tattoo is a gang thing" I say while pointing to Vinnie

"Ah yes" he says calmly

"Okay" I huff

"So what now" I ask him
"You'll need to stay with Ben and I so we can make sure nothing bad happens to you guys" vinnie says

"That's a good idea, we will need to grab some stuff from our house" I say

"Yes but for now you should get some rest" vinnie says handing me a blanket

I jump onto the couch and get cold and fall asleep

/ VINNIES POV  \ ( didn't see that coming hey)

"Ah vinnie you forgot to tell her one thing" Ben says

"Yes I know and let's keep it that way okay" I say patting him on the shoulder

"Okay but we will need to tell them eventually" Ben says

"Yes we will but not now" I say

I head up to my room and instantly fall asleep.....

( thank you for reading! The next chapter is a twist so keep reading and also keep voting! )

💗💕✨💜 also the character gabbey is based off my actual bestie! GabbeyAtkins go read her book🦋💜

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