I soothed them down in a while and they began getting drowsy. 

"Non c'è bisogno di dare alla tua bella mamma momenti così difficili. Lei si preoccupa molto per te."- I said calmly, gently laying them down in their crib. (There is no need to give your beautiful mum such hard time. She worries about you very much.) 

They made cute, sleepy noises as I rocked their crib, stopping once I was sure they were fast asleep. Then I left their nursery and went to my beloved. 

Cami exited the closet, wearing my white hoodie; she is fresh out of the shower as her gorgeous, lustrous, long, voluminous, light blonde hair is damp. She looks beyond stunning and sweet, but it is clear that twins gave her very tough time, lack of sleep played big part in it too - she clearly is flat out.

"Il mio amato tesoro, shh, everything is okay."- I spoke warmly, wrapping her small self in my arms, hugging her tightly.

"I am a horrible mum. I couldn't down down our kids, they have been crying nonstop and I failed to control my emotions, Leo."- almost whispered Cami, crying in my chest, as I gently rubbed the back of her pretty head. 

"Look at me, principessa."- I stated collectedly, her innocent, vulnerable gaze meeting mine as she had to tilt her head far backwards. 

I can let her say anything and everything she wants, but I will never let her doubt how good of a mum or wife she is. 

There is nothing to doubt. 

"You are the most incredible mum to our bambinos. I do not know anyone, who would ever be able to do what you do so effortlessly and beautifully with so much love and care. Our kids are the luckiest to have a mum like you, I am the most fortunate man to have you as my wife."- I stated from the bottom of my heart, tenderly glazing my thumb over the back of her pretty head. 

"Today was just a hard moment, it is fine. You have every right to let out your emotions, you were stressed and tired. I would also loose my calmness if I were in your shoes. Twins had their mood swing, it also is fine. Such situations happen, that's normal, but we deal with them like a fantastic team that we are, sì?"- I said warmly, kissing her forehead fondly. 

"Sì."- spoke softly Cami, taking a deep breath. 

"Good. Now, I will make sure dinner is ready and keep an eye on twins and quadruplets while you just relax and do whatever your golden, precious heart wants."- I stated soothingly as she pecked me dotingly, hugging me. 

"Can I have a chocolate bar all to myself?"- asked winsomely Camila, her cheek against my chest, and I smiled, remembering that I have a little something for her. 

"Actually, I think, you will want something I got specifically for you, bambina."- I replied, chuckling at her adorable, excited smile. 

I quickly showered and changed before we went downstairs, wholeheartedly laughing at our little beans, who found something I got for them before my flight back to Florence. 

In Rome there is one particular candy store, which makes everything itself, so all products are actually vegan, ingredients are super clean and organic. The store sells a few things that we really, really, really like - chewy caramels, cheery liquorice, coconut-almond cookies, peppermint meringues and cherry-pistachio nougat. We go there every single time we are in Rome and I decided to surprise my family with a little nice something. 

"You got me my favourite nougat."- said preciously Cami, smiling heavenly at me, and I nodded, chuckling as she hugged me tightly, kissing my cheeks dozen times sweetly. 


That's why I love him with all my heart, soul and every fibre of my being - he always has my back, knows how to cheer me up, how to support me and comfort me when I am at my lowest. Leonardo is my world, I thank heaven for him. 

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