Ch 29: The Love Scene

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"Oh gosh! Sorry!" Sophie exclaimed.

Meghan readjusted her dress and looked up to see Sophie with an iced americano in hand. Meghan put two and two together.

"No biggie, no harm no foul." Meghan gave her best pageant smile. With her best southern charm, "Have a great day y'all."

Sophie was relieved that things were going surprisingly well. She never had to play the part of an ex-girlfriend so she wasn't exactly sure how she would have reacted if she was in Meghan's shoes. Sophie was happy to know though that Meghan was rising above the awkwardness and was a true professional.

Meghan headed to her side of the stage. Even though apologies had been made she still felt it was best to keep her distance from Chace. She didn't know why it bothered her so much that Chace was so accommodating to Sophie.
What did Sophie have that she didn't? Sophie wasn't the "girl next door" like she was. The magazines clearly stated Meghan was the epitome of the girl next door.

Just like yesterday Chace had a chair waiting for him by the mother/daughter duo, he moved it closer and plopped it right next to Sophie and Phoebe. Phoebe climbed into Chace's lap and he began reading her a book. Meghan began choking on her alkaline lemon infused water causing quite the scene as her assistant began patting her back like a child. Meghan managed to swat the assistant away and convey she was ok just went down the wrong way. She didn't need more eyes gawking at her while she was analyzing the bonding session before her.

Meghan sat there sulking as they finished setting up the scene. She didn't know what to expect when she returned to set but this wasn't what she had envisioned. She played the various versions over in her mind of what might occur. Seeing Chace romping around the set with a blonde bimbo. Maybe even graveling for forgiveness from her and begging for another chance which she was prepared to resist. However, in no scenario did she think he would be so infuriatingly desirable as a stand up guy.Why wasn't she good enough to elicit this type of change? The rest of the day Meghan couldn't help but allow her emotions to dictate her childish behaviors.

During the dance scene with her and Chace she purposely stepped on his toes MULTIPLE times with an apathetic, "sorry" after each occurrence. After the 4th time Chace had his suspicions of her intent but he did not dare speak up about it. His toes ached but he knew he did more damage to Meghan's ego to warrant it. He politely gave an "It's ok" response every time.

She then intentionally forgot her lines multiple times requiring Chace to stay late as Sophie left to get Phoebe to bed. It only encouraged Meghan further, seeing Chace crushed at not being able to walk them home. Meghan was enjoying toying with her new prey.

Chace started to feel like his fears about Meghans return to set were now unfolding before his very eyes.

Today was the day for the romance scenes to be shot on a closed set. Chace couldn't be more thankful for that right now so Sophie didn't have to see Chace romanticizing his ex. It was after all acting but with everything still so new between them he didn't want it to stir up any issues.

After an hour of waiting for Meghan to arrive on set it occurred to him that this was another one of Meghan's schemes for payback. Meghan was always punctual and had a reputation for being so.  Mark was anxiously pacing as they only had so much daylight and time with the choreographer. Due to the stipulations with Meghan, Chace and her never got to rehearse the scenes. Mark abruptly took off running as he suddenly  had a great idea.

"Sophie! I need you!" Mark whipped open the trailer door to see Katie, Phoebe, and Sophie in the middle of a heated chutes and ladders game.

"What's the crisis now?" Sophie asked. She was starting to realize how stressful Mark's job was.

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