
980 17 0

word count: 0.7k
genre/warnings: angst, fluff, some type of crack?/none
lee jeno x black!fem!reader

7kgenre/warnings: angst, fluff, some type of crack?/nonelee jeno x black!fem!reader

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arguments were common in relationships. sometimes they were playful, and sometimes serious. silly things can trigger an argument along with things that both parties from the relationship aren't comfortable with.

for you and jeno, the arguments have been consistent. going on for a week strong, and sometimes the two of you were exhausted from it. sometimes to the point they would sleep in separate bedrooms in their shared apartment.

the arguments first started when a jealous jeno noticed a random guy flirting with you. the man talking to you didn't seem like he was flirting, but jeno couldn't help but wrap his hands around your waist. giving your cheek tiny peck, hoping that the man would take the hint. shaking him off was the wrong thing to do, because he felt that the man was more important than him. you wouldn't hear the end of it. at first he was sarcastic with his responses, then he'd give you the silent treatment, and then he'd pretend you weren't there. trying to apologize and getting him to talk was something that you did struggle with, but he knew how to take it to a different league. a league that lead up to the current argument now.

jeno was a personal trainer here in south korea, and he always had different clients. male, female, non-binary, he had all types of clients. you never really cared about his clients, but for some reason you had a hunch about this one. considering the fact that you two weren't speaking, you didn't know who his client was until you went to the gym for your workout. then that's when you saw her, that bitch who would have heart eyes for jeno.

giggling and touching his arms, and this was a no to you. ending your workout early, you gave both of them a death glare before going home to shower. just when you were about to shower, a sweaty jeno walked inside of the bedroom.

"i'd appreciate it if you didn't have my clients a side eye, making them uncomfortable," he closed the bedroom door.

"boy, please don't come in here with that bullshit," you chuckled, shaking your head.

"bullshit? how am i able to keep a stable client if you're making them uncomfortable," was he serious right now?

"yeah, because you purposely chose that floozy ass bitch. you think i don't know about her always eyein' you up and down?" you chuckled once more.

this time you turned around to make sure you staring at jeno because he was testing the waters, "she said she needed my help, so i'm helping her," he shrugged his shoulders.

"well you better pray to God that she helps you find a new place to stay..." you trailed off, maintaining the eye contact.

"funny because when that guy was flirting with you, it was no biggie right?" he chuckled while your eyes went wide.

"is that you took her in as your client?" you placed a hand on your hip.

"and if it was? because i remember telling you how uncomfortable i felt about the situation and you told me i was making a big deal, remember?" he chuckled, shaking his head.

"so you go and pick up that bitch as a client?" you chuckled.

"actually, she just happened to be there that day. my actual client happens to be renjun, but i knew that you'd act this way," your hand across his face looked real nice, but you weren't that type of a girlfriend. unless he was cheating, that'd be something different.

"i thought it was unfair that you were disregarding my feelings, but i sincerely apologize if using her made you jealous," he sighed, sitting on the bed.

"it was stupid of me, i should have never been jealous to begin with," he added while you stood in front of him.

"i'm sorry as well, for not taking your feelings into consideration. i promise to do better," you sighed.

the feeling of his hands on your waist was a feeling that you've missed for the past two weeks. bringing you closer to him, you sat down on his lap. as much as you wanted to sit here on his lap, the both of you needed a shower after being all sweaty.

"yeah... as much you wanna sit here and touch up all on me, but we gotta shower... well at least i needa shower," he had a tiny smirk on his face.

"why can't we both shower together hm?" you quickly got up from his lap and sucked your teeth at him.

*·˚ ༘♡#𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃! ˖◛⁺⑅♡
haven't updated this since august... wow... i really need to do better.

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