Chapter Eight: The One with The Phone Call

Start from the beginning

"How is he?" Carina asked, not having seen the man since the morning after her accident when he'd come to visit.

"He's good - Emmett has the day off so they're together but he's getting bigger and bigger everyday."

"Crazy how time flies."

"So - where are we on chores?" Maya asked, taking a slice of toast from the plate.

"Toilets are cleaned, but that's about it. We had a debate about which way the toilet roll should face - over or under," Andy explained.

Maya had a pensive look on her face as she thought about it. "Over," She declared.

"See I told you!" Both Travis and Vic said at Jack.

"It's just an opinion!" Jack defended.

"Yeah a ridiculous one - it's further away from you, what good is that?!"

"Okay and with that let's get moving," Maya said, standing up and taking a mug of coffee. "I want floors mopped and swept and the engines polished - plus can someone please sort out the turnout room. It's a mess."

"Yes Captain," everyone replied with a nod as Maya left the beanery but not without giving Carina a kiss.

"So - what have you been up to?" Vic asked.

"Not much - watching TV mostly, cooking, reorganising every inch of the house. I'm so happy to be back to see everyone though. I only had Andrea come and see me a few times on his shift off but other than that I'v been alone until Maya would come home. The of course I had Enzo over here, but as I discovered when Maya was at her conference he's not much of a conversationalist," she chuckled, stroking the dog's head which was in her lap as the dog slept in her arms.

"That sucks - I remember when I had a concussion from a pipe blast, I had to stay home and I think I ended up reorganising my sock drawer for a few days. But, I couldn't have been off for two weeks," Dean said, thinking back to the time he had to stay at home.

"Well that's what I get for marrying the Captain," Carina laughed. "I've tried to get her to let me come back all week and I've failed every single time - plus she takes the car so I can't get anywhere and I know she'd just take me home again if I ever got a lift and I even asked Andrea but he took Maya's side. He threatened to tell Dr Shepard if I kept asking and he'd make sure she wouldn't clear me again for duty," She sighed.

"God you had a hell of a time then!" Andy laughed.

"Plus no sex either!" Carina added, throwing her hands in the air making everyone laugh.

"That's why Bishop's been so tense lately - she's sexually frustrated," Travis said with laugh.

"I knew something was up!" Vic added.

"Well that's her fault, but I love her for it," Carina smiled - thinking about attentive Maya had over the past two weeks, even more so, which was hard to believe was possible. .

"Right come on everyone - let's get this Station in order," Andy said, standing up - mindful that they could be called out at anytime and they still had things they needed to do.

Everyone sighed and slowly stretched themselves out before tidying up their breakfast plates and heading off to their various areas to do their chores, while Carina (bound from even sweeping the floor, which was ridiculous given she had cleaned the entire house when she'd been stuck at home) took Enzo, who'd happily been playing around with one of his toys on the floor and went down to Maya's office.

She knocked on the door, never just walking in without her wife's permission while they were at work.

"Come in," Maya said, seeing the brunette through the glass. "You okay?"

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