Chapter Three: The One with The Birthday Cake

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Chapter 3

Today was finally the day. Carina had everything under wraps with Maya not having a clue about anything that would be going on today. It wasn't like the blonde hasn't tried to find out, she'd tried many times, with many different means including food and sex and once Carina had refused on both accounts Maya had decided that she would find other methods, namely being no sex. When Maya had declared that on the Tuesday morning while they were having breakfast Carina had just laughed and nodded along. Maya's declaration lasted all of 12 hours before she got impatient and gave in even though she complained that she wanted to know afterwards.

But, there would be no more complaining - Carina hoped.

She'd woken up earlier than the blonde which was a rare but necessary occurrence for her to prepare everything. She'd slipped out of Maya's embrace and silently walked down the stairs, also being mindful not to wake Enzo who would inevitably end up barking and waking the blonde. She'd hidden the balloons in the wine cellar last night, having sent Maya out to get some groceries after they'd eaten which had given her some time to hide a few things and do at least some preparation for the rest of the day's events.

She pulled out the balloons, setting them on either end of the island and then walked over to one of the cabinets where she'd hidden some churros - Maya's birthday breakfast. The idea had come from her thought of their first date last Saturday when she'd been watching the film. She'd remembered how they'd gotten the treat on their way home and the memory made her smile so she thought she'd relive it by picking some up and surprising her wife.

Once everything was all laid out she saw her phone light up from the side. She picked it up and grinned seeing the message from Andrea.

Fratellino: Maya's gift has been dropped off - see you later!

Sorella: Grazie Andrea! You're the best!

Fratellino: I'll remember you said that!

Carina rolled her eyes with a smile before putting her phone down. She grabbed some banners and quickly put them up in the kitchen as well as a few more decorations. Once, she was satisfied with the result. She took a quick picture before running back up the stairs to go and wake up her wife.

She slipped back into their bedroom and she had a soft smile on her face as she saw the blonde clutching at her own pillow, clearly missing the presence of the brunette. Carina crawled on to the top of the bed and straddled Maya's waist before peppering her face with kisses to wake her up.

"Bella - time to wake up," she whispered, resting her head in the crook of Maya's neck.

"Mhm what time is it?" She asked, her brain still very much asleep.

"Birthday time," Carina smirked.

At those two words Maya's eyes snapped open and a bright smile formed, "Birthday time?" She confirmed with an excited laugh.

"Sì bella."

"Well - what are we waiting for?" Maya cried, her eyes quickly changing when she actually saw the predicament she was in. Her gorgeous wife sat on top of her, in nothing but a long shirt. Maybe her birthday could wait a few hours.

"Do you want to go downstairs then?" Carina asked, seeing the blonde's eyes trained on her.

"Hm - do you think I could get my present first?" She teased.

"Oh - what present would that be?" Carina played along.

"I was thinking something to do with me and you and the bed?"

"I think that can be arranged," Carina replied a sequel escaping her as she was quickly flipped over and was faced with the blonde smiling above her.

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