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3 weeks later

"I'll see you next week, Y/N," Dr. Suarez said as she walked you out of her office into the waiting area. You wrapped your arms around yourself, turning to look at her, flashing her a soft smile, "See you next week," you repeated before walking out the door.

You walked in the direction of your car, reaching for your keys in your purse, pulling them out and unlocking the car. Opening the driver's side door, you slide in, tossing your purse on the passenger seat, then turn the car on. Pulling your seatbelt on, you turn the heat on, and grab your phone from your purse, connecting it to play music.

Once the song Dealer by Lana del Rey starts playing, you set your phone down in the cup holder and pull out of the parking spot, driving onto the main road. As you drove down the street, getting onto the highway, you tapped your fingers on the steering wheel, humming softly to the music and thinking about today's appointment.

Dr. Suarez says that you're doing ok, given the circumstances you have been through, but she also thinks that you're blocking out most of what happened to you at the hospital. And she isn't wrong. You don't like to talk about what happened at the hospital less than two months ago. It's all still fairly new. You have reminders of that day on your body that will be there for the rest of your life. Why would you even want to talk about it?

You've been seeing Dr. Suarez for three weeks now and you have appointments with her twice a week. Monday's and Wednesday's at 11:30 am. When you had your first appointment with her, she was already asking you to explain to her what happened that day, but you couldn't. You know exactly what happened, but no words would come out every time she'd ask that question. "Tell me Y/N, what happened?"

"I can't." Was how you would answer.

Spencer usually comes with you to these appointments, but he hasn't been able to attend this week's appointment and last week's appointment. He's currently working on a case from the comfort of his office at home, constantly talking on the phone with his team, conference calls, and reading over files that Garcia would have sent over. He doesn't come out of his office much since it is a serious case as he briefly explained to you, but he makes time to be with you. He either reads to you, cuddles with you in bed, eats lunch or dinner with you, or lays with you on his couch in his office.

But since he's been busy and you haven't really been speaking much about your appointments with him, you were back where you didn't want to be. You were back at the hospital, every time you'd close your eyes, that day plays in your head over and over. You saw people get shot right in front of you, see life leave one's eyes, and you could practically feel the pain of you getting shot all over again.

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