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It feels like the universe doesn't want me and Mia together. Or am i just overrreacting? I asked to the angel and demon on my shoulders.

Man do they ever reply?

I sigh and went downstairs to see my uncle, Alex in the living room with his wife, Jacqueline. They met soon after i was born and had a child, Chloe. Me and Chloe get along really well, we grew up together. I see her as my little sister.

"Alec." Uncle Alex said and hugged me.

"What are you doing here?" i asked as i hugged him back.

"Aleccc!" My Aunt Jacqueline came and hugged me as soon as i broke the hug from my uncle.

Like most people says, im a devil in disguise but then again the devil was once an angel. She made me want to be a better person but then she fucked up and made me this devil that i am. I sometime think its for the better but then Mia came along.

"I came here because Chloe heard about this girl named Mia from Axel." Uncle Alex broke me out of my thoughts.

"And she wanted to meet her." He continued and chuckled

"I met her. She's amazing and gorgeous!" chloe exclaimed. "We're going to the club later."

"Yeah, and im coming with you guys. Its not safe.", I stated earning a nod from her.

"Me too." Axel smirked.


I was getting ready to go to the club with Chloe. She seems a nice girl. In fact, we spent the last few hours together. She told me about how her father killed her ex who broke her heart. She even said she tortured the guy first.

Crazy family. But hey, im not complaining.

I don't know and how but i instantly connected with her. She became a friend, one that i won't ever let go. One that i needed. I knew i could trust her. In a matter of 2 hours, we knew everything about each other's life. Yes, everything. I told her how my father treated me and what i went through.

Once ready, i took a quick look at myself in the mirror. I wore a pair of black shorts and a crop top which was also black and black boots and of course, i hid my gun and knives somewhere on me. Then made my way downstairs.

I saw Alec wearing a casual black shirt and a pair of jeans. Chloe was wearing a blue dress.
Didn't know Alec and Axel were coming with us.

"Ready?" i asked as i stood behind Chloe and looked at Alec who was texting someone. He quickly looked at me when he heard my voice.

Didn't know he was obsessed with meee. Yeah no kidding, Mia.

"You look beautiful." Alec said and smiled

"Of course she does. Lets go new best friend!" Chloe stated and wrapped her left arm around mine as we went in the direction of alec's car.

Alec was driving as i sat next to him, Chloe and Axel were behind.
After a few minutes of driving, we reached a club named "Midnight" which is one of the clubs Alec owed. It was packed.

"Go ahead. We'll join you." Alec stated as me and Chloe went inside.

"Name?" The bodyguard asked

"That won't be necessary." Alec said behind us.  The bodyguard shivered and nodded and stepped aside but not before apologising to us.

The music was loud and people were dancing and screaming. Thats exactly what i needed.

As Alec and Axel had some business to attend to, they left me and Chloe alone. We went to the bar and started drinking and drinking and drinking.

"Comeeee onnnnnn. Lets goooo danceeee!!" Chloe yelled and dragged me on the dance floor.

We were dancing when i felt a pair of arms on my waist. So, literally, i was dancing with a stranger who was ridiculously close to me. And i didn't mind it at all.

My eyes searched for Chloe and saw her kissing a guy. I chuckled and yelled "You go girl" To her. Didn't know having a friend would be sooo fun. She yelled "IM SOO WASTED" To me.

The guy who was dancing with me grabbed me and pulled me outside. He started kissing me but i pushed him away.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" i spat and slapped him.

"Shut the fuck up and enjoy." He spat back and grabbed my hands.

"Get off me—" I said as i tried to push him away but i was too drunk and weak right now.

Next thing i know, someone took the guy off me and threw him on the ground while punching him. Then finally, he killed him. I looked up and saw Alec. He looked angry...correction, he was furious.

"What the fuck Mia?"

"Thanks for that" I replied and gestured to the dead body.

"What if something happened to you?" He asked angrily.

"I—" Next thing i know, darkness invaded me. Im guessing i fainted. Way to go, Mia.

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