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Standing infront of her door, i knocked even though i knew it open. She never closes her door for some reason. I came her to see if she's woken up yet considering we have to go and save her grandmother. Not receiving any answer from her, i decided to open the door.

"Fuck." i cursed when my gaze fell on her empty bed. I was ready to leave when the bathroom door opened, revealing an already dressed Mia with a confused look on her face.

She wore a black shirt, a pair of jeans and her hair wasn't tied. Quite frankly, i was disappointed that she wasn't in her towel. God, what's wrong with me?

"Did you need anything?" She snapped me out of my thoughts, with a smile.

"Yeah. We should go back to the main house and plan your grandmother's rescue." I stated, receiving a nod from her. "But first, we gotta have breakfast." I added and we both made our way downstairs.

"Good morning!" My mother said excitedly. Why is she excited?

"Morning, mom." I replied

"Morning Alexia.", Mia responded, smiling.

"Where are you guys going?" My mom asked while giving Mia pancakes. She thanked her before digging in.

"To the main house." I replied earning a nod from her. "You will be back with her right?, she whispered, gesturing to Mia. 

"Yes, i will." I whispered back, making her smile. It's funny how my mother got along with Mia in a matter of a few days. Normally, she's really picky about the girls. My ex for example, she never liked her. Story for another time.

Once we were done eating, we got inside my car and i drove to the main house where everyone was waiting. After i parked the car, Mia followed me to the meeting room. The second i entered, they all stood up as a sign of respect

Mia shifted to my side as she saw the number of men looking at her. Some of them looked at her because she is damn hot and some were wondering what's a mere recruit doing here.

"Boss, what's she doing here?", One of the guys in the meeting room asked as i went to sit in my chair. Once i sat, i gestured for them to sit which they did. There was an empty seat next to me which i asked Mia to take.

"She's Mia, an assassin. From now on, she'll be working for me. She's my Assassin." I stated.

"The reason i called you here today is because we have to go and get someone to safety.", I continued before looking at Mia, "Explain."

She nodded before starting, "The person we are about to save is my grandmother. She is heavily guarded with about a hundred of men. I would have gone there to get her back myself if it wasn't a suicide mission."

"The house is not that big but there are about 25 man inside and the others are outside." She continued.

"What if it's a trap, boss? We have no reason to trust this bitch here." One of my men spoke, making me clench my fist at the word she just called Mia.

"Listen you fucker, im not a bitch and why would i want to put my grandmother's life in danger? Wake up your dormant mind, stupid asshole." She snapped at him, making me smirk.

"Shut that pretty mouth of yours before i shut it for good. I'll make good use of that mouth, if you know what i mean." The man spoke again with a grin.

I glared at him, making him shiver in fear. I was about to shoot him but stopped when Mia whispered "Can i have your gun?" I raised a questioning eyebrow before shrugging, giving her the gun.

"Is he related to any of you here?", Mia asked, they all shook their head 'No.' 

She smirked and shot the guy straight in his heart earning a few gasps from the other men in room.

"Badass!" A familiar voice boomed, making our gaze snap to him. I rolled my eyes at Axel, "Get inside. You're late."

"Boss, she just shot one of our man.", A man stated the obvious.  "Do you want her to make it two?" I asked, smirking at Mia. The man quickly shook his head and looked down.

"So as i was saying before someone interrupted me, may he rest in peace—" she continued making me smile while Axel chuckled, "-You guys should stay outside while i go inside. I can take care about the 25 men inside alone."

"I'm going inside out with you." I stated, leaving no room for argument. She nodded before i continued, "Axel you'll lead the men outside."

"Noah, you'll hack in the CCTV footage and give heads up." I said, looking at Noah, our hacker.

"Mia and I, will go inside, take her grandmother and leave. The only rule is, don't get yourself killed. Do you understand?" I ordered, receiving a 'Yes boss' in response.

"Any questions?", I asked, eyeing all of the men in the room.

"Yes. How can a little girl like her be able to take care of 25 men? What if there's more? And what if she's with them and kill you?" One of the man asked.

"I'll take the risk of her killing me." I stated, looking Mia who was trying to hard not to smile but failed miserably.

"And as for Mia, she can take care of herself. She's an assassin. Probably can take all of you down." I stated, making her smile.

"I doubt that." another man jumped in.

"Yeah? How about you and i have a little fight when we get back from the mission?" Mia asked, the man nodded and said "Deal."

Is it normal that i can already imagine that man with a broken rib and arm and legs? Probably even dead? Well, i guess, we'll see.

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