
278 11 2

NOTE: This chapter take place after  episode 2 and a week before the event of " Long road ahead "



The motel

Everyone except Clemantime , Duck , Katjaa , Ben Paul , Lily talk about their food ration and about bandit

Kenny : You got to be fucking kidding me !?

Lee : No Kenny it true

Kenny : Fuck now what ?

Ben Tennyson : I think we need to hunt some food before those Bandit know where we are 

Carley  :  That's a good idea Ben

Ben Tennyson : Thank Carley

Lee : Alright ... Me , Kenny and Ben will go hunt some food . Carley can you watch Clemantime and the group when we gone ?

Carley : You got it Lee and be safe you guy

Lee , Kenny take 2 rifle and Ben take a glock 19 . They walk deep in the wood , they look around make sure no one is watches them and they tried to hunt 

Ben thought : There no way we can find food unless

Ben T : Hey .... Guy

Lee , Kenny look at Ben T  

Ben T : How about we split up ?

Kenny : What ?

Lee : Why ?

Ben T : I think we have more chance find food it we split up

Kenny : Hm ... Good point

Lee : Are you sure that is a good idea Ben ?

Ben T : Trust me I know what I doing

Lee and Kenny go other way , Ben T go other way .  Ben T look back saw both Lee and Kenny is gone . Ben raise up his left wrist roll up his sleeve show the Ultimatrix . Ben turn the dial look for a right Alien , he found a Alien he want he slam down the dial . In the flash of green light Ben turn into Wildmutt

Wildmutt uses his sense of smell and hearing to navigate, which are aided by three gill-like nostrils located on each side of his neck

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Wildmutt uses his sense of smell and hearing to navigate, which are aided by three gill-like nostrils located on each side of his neck. Wildmutt track something by it scent. Wildmutt ran very fast toward it scent


Lee and Kenny walk in the wood for long time so far they found nothing

Lee  : I hope Ben find some food then us

Kenny :  Yeah .... I hope 

Lee and Kenny then hear something

Lee : Shit! Someone it coming! Hide now

Lee and Kenny hide in the bush , they saw 4 Bandit 2 holding rifle and 2 holding shotgun

Bandit 1 : I can not believe that farm is overrun by those geek!!!!

Bandit 2 : And we lost some good food too!!!!!!!!!

Bandit 3 : Don't worry about it, we can find other one and I did not got a piece in the ass for a long time

Bandit 4 : Me too!!

Lee and Kenny hide in the bush ,they hear anything those Bandit did say

Back to Ben

Ben now in form of Blitzwolfer

Blitzwolfer hunt kill 2 deer and 2 rabbit , Blitzwolfer hear something , he look up 3 Bandit surrounding him , 2 hold rifle , 1 hold shotgun

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Blitzwolfer hunt kill 2 deer and 2 rabbit , Blitzwolfer hear something , he look up 3 Bandit surrounding him , 2 hold rifle , 1 hold shotgun

Bandit 1 : Well ... Well ...Well .... What do we have here ?

Bandit 2 : We got our selfs a Wolf 

Bandit 3 : And some extra food too ( he look down saw 2 deer and 2 rabbit )

3 Bandit raise their gun up about to firing , Blitzwolfer  opening his quadra-hinged muzzle emit a powerful green ultrasonic howl sending 3 Bandit flying

To be continue ....

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